The PEPPOL Business Interoperability Specification, “BIS” from here on after, has been developed by the OpenPEPPOL AISBL Pre Award Coordinating Community and is published as part of the PEPPOL specifications.
1. Principle and prerequisites
1.1. Scope
This guide aims to provide insight into transaction details for the transaction model T011 - Search Notice Request 1.2. The transaction description is meant to be a standalone description to be used as a part of one or more procurement profiles. It describes syntax mappings, requirements, rules and example.
The transactions, specified in this document are intended to be exchanged between the tendering systems of economic operators and contracting bodies. This means that it is expected that the parties have connected their systems to the internet, and that they have middleware in place to enable them to send and receive the transactions in a secure way, using an agreed syntax.
The content model of the transactions can also be used in procurement platforms or notification platforms, so that these platforms as well as procurement systems of economic operators and contracting bodies are based on the same information and process models, which makes them more interoperable. Even if platforms are not technically interoperable, the content model facilitates understanding the tendering documents and to participate in the tendering process.
1.2. Parties and roles
The following parties participate as business partners in this transaction, acting in the roles as defined below
Business Partner | Description |
Governmental or private organization |
Any organisation. |
Role | Description |
Requester |
A service or economic operator in search of opportunities. |
Provider |
A data service that discloses information on notices (whether governmental or a private organisation). |
Also other bodies than economic operators may need to search for notices, such as a statistics office or scholars. This profile particularly focuses on the tendering process, involving tendering platforms that are operated for economic operators. However, the search process and the transactions described in this profile may not necessarily be used by economic operators alone. |
2. Transaction business and information requirements
The following tables describe the transaction business and information requirements of "T011 - Search Notice Request 1.2", it inherits from the profile BII Profile 45 - Search Notices (CWA 17026-104:2016) created by CEN WS/BII 3.
ID | Requirement |
tbr099-001 |
The message MAY contain the following search criteria (metadata) about the notice:
The value however is optional. Filled values represent search values. |
tbr099-002 |
The message MAY contain the following search criteria (metadata) about the business opportunity:
The value however is optional. Filled values represent search values. |
tbr099-003 |
The message MAY contain the following search criteria (metadata) about the procurement process:
The value however is optional. Filled values represent search values. |
tbr099-004 |
The identification of the sender and the identification and the date of the message SHALL be known. |
tbr099-005 |
The message MAY contain a search string that is applied to the full text of the notice. |
3. Data model: Syntax mapping and XML example
3.1. Data model and syntax mapping
The data model and syntax mapping for Search Notice Request can be found at Syntax mapping for T011 - Search Notice Request 1.2. The data model and syntax mapping explains how to use the UBL (or an underlying syntax) to support the Search Notice Request information transaction requirements. It provides the syntax mappings from each UBL (or syntax) element to the Search Notice Request information elements of this transaction.
3.2. Data model diagram
The following data model illustrates the information elements contained in the data model for T011 - Search Notice Request 1.2.

4. Code lists
Any element with the semantic data type = code, can mandate the use of a specific code list (or a fixed value). The applicable code lists can be found in the Code list section. In this section, you can find the valid codes, their names and description, and also links to where the same code list is used elsewhere in the transaction, or in other PEPPOL BIS transactions.
Information elements that are ruled by codelists in this transaction are also described in the Syntax mapping for Search Notice Request: Syntax mapping for T011 - Search Notice Request 1.2 |
The following code lists for coded elements and identifier schemes are used by the transaction.
4.1. Code list for elements
4.1.2. Notice Type
Qualifier (listID) | |
Document location |
Issuer |
4.1.3. Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV)
Qualifier (listID) |
Document location |
Issuer |
4.1.4. Supplementary Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV)
Qualifier (listID) |
Document location |
Issuer |
4.1.5. Contract Nature
Qualifier (listID) | |
Document location |
Issuer |
4.1.6. Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS)
Qualifier (listID) | |
Document location |
Issuer |
4.1.8. Procurement Procedure Type
Qualifier (listID) | |
Document location |
Issuer |
4.1.9. Language
Qualifier (listID) |
Document location |
Issuer |
4.1.10. Legal Basis
Qualifier (listID) | |
Document location |
Issuer |
4.1.11. Reserved Procurement
Qualifier (listID) | |
Document location |
Issuer |
4.1.12. Award Criterion Type
Qualifier (listID) | |
Document location |
Issuer |
4.1.14. Buyer Legal Type
Qualifier (listID) | |
Document location |
Issuer |
4.1.15. Main Activity
Qualifier (listID) | |
Document location |
Issuer |
4.2. Code list for identifier schemes
Business Term | Allowed Scheme | Document location |
Sender Electronic Address Identifier |
schemeID attribute is mandatory and must use values from EAS codes |
Receiver Electronic Address Identifier |
schemeID attribute is mandatory and must use values from EAS codes |
5. PEPPOL Identifiers
PEPPOL has defined a Policy for Using Identifiers that specifies how to use identifiers in both its transport infrastructure and within the documents exchanged across that infrastructure. It also introduces principles for any identifiers used in the PEPPOL environment. The e-Tendering pilot adopts and extends the PEPPOL Policy in the following ways:
5.1. Party Identifiers used in ebXML RegRep documents
The @type
attribute must be populated in all instances of the ID element when used within a rim:Slot
container for Sender Identification and Receiver Identification.
Example of usage in Sender Electronic Address Identifier and Receiver Electronic Address Identifier:
<rim:Slot name="SenderElectronicAddress" type="EAS">
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Slot name="ReceiverElectronicAddress" type="EAS">
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
5.2. Document Identifiers used in ebXML RegRep documents
5.2.1. Profile ID
The PEPPOL Profile ID identifies what business process a given message is part of, and are connected to one business process, and may contain multiple document types. The Profile ID must be put in the element rim:Slot name="BusinessProcessTypeIdentifier"
Valid profile identifiers are described in the profile BIS documents. See Main documentation site. The following example illustrates the usage of Business Process Type Identifiers in OASIS ebXML RegRep Version 4.0 documents:
<rim:Slot name="BusinessProcessTypeIdentifier">
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
5.2.2. Customization ID
The PEPPOL Customization ID identifies the specification of content and rules that apply to the transaction. This transaction requires several changes to the CEN BII transaction. Following the CEN BII methodology any extension must be communicated by adding an extension ID onto the Customization ID. The Customization ID must be put in the element rim:Slot name="SpecificationIdentification"
The following example illustrates the usage of Specification Identification in OASIS ebXML RegRep Version 4.0 documents:
<rim:Slot name="SpecificationIdentification">
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
Which customization identification should be used, is based on which transaction is sent, and the extension identification for BIS documents.
For implementers, please note that the process identifiers in the document instance MUST correspond to the SMP process identifier. |
TransactionID | Transaction name | Short Description | cbc:CustomizationID |
T011 |
Search Notice Request |
The Sender sends the Search Notice Request to the Receiver. | |
6. Description of selected parts of the transaction
The transaction is based upon the definitions of "Trdm099 Search notice query transaction" described in BII Profile 45. Business terms, Business rules and code lists used are inherited from the following CEN WS/BII 3 and eForms and OASIS ebXML RegRep Version 4.0 (RegRep) documents:
6.1. Query Request: Parameter maxResults and startIndex
The Search Notice Request and Response support the ability to iterate over a large result set matching a query by allowing multiple QueryRequest requests to be submitted in succession such that each query requests a different subset of results within the result set. This feature enables the server to handle queries that match a very large result set, in a scalable manner also known as pagination.
name | description |
startIndex |
This attribute is used to indicate which result must be returned as the first result when iterating over a large result set. The default value is 0, which returns the result set starting with index 0 (first result). |
maxResults |
This attribute specifies a limit on the maximum number of results the sender wishes the query to return. A receiver of the request MUST return a result set whose size is less than or equal to the maxResults parameter depending upon whether enough results are available starting at startIndex. If the default value -1 is used, the receiver SHOULD return all the results. |
id |
Specifies the unique identifier for an Identifiable Search Notice Request. In case of different start index for same QueryRequest is used it is possible to use the same Search Notice Request identifier. |
6.2. Specification Identification
<rim:Slot name="SpecificationIdentification"> (1)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Value></rim:Value> (2)
1 | Identifier for the set of rules and transactions for a search notice request. |
2 | The value for the specification identification is always "", just like in the given example. |
6.3. Business Process Type Identifier
<rim:Slot name="BusinessProcessTypeIdentifier"> (1)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Value></rim:Value> (2)
1 | Identifier for the business process context of the search notice response. |
2 | The value for the business process type identifier is always "", just like in the given example. |
6.4. Issue Date Time
<rim:Slot name="IssueDateTime"> (1)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:DateTimeValueType"> (2)
1 | Date and time when the request was being issued. |
2 | The SlotValue type has to be DateTimeValueType. Stick to the format "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss" and add the timezone in the end (i.e. Z or +01:00). Values for seconds, and the timezone must be given. |
6.5. Sender electronic address
<rim:Slot name="SenderElectronicAddress" type="EAS"> (1)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Value>9946:500820007</rim:Value> (2)
1 | The endpoint id is clarified in the type attribute of the slot. |
2 | Fill the electronic sender address into this slot. |
6.6. Receiver electronic address
<rim:Slot name="ReceiverElectronicAddress" type="EAS"> (1)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Value>9930:DE122268496</rim:Value> (2)
1 | The endpoint id is clarified in the type attribute of the slot. |
2 | Fill the electronic receiver address into this slot |
6.7. Response Option
<query:ResponseOption returnType="LeafClassWithRepositoryItem"/> (1)
1 | You have to include the response option with its default option "LeafClassWithRepositoryItem" to allow for the response to include the required repository items. |
6.8. Query and Query Parameters
<query:Query queryDefinition="SearchNotice"> (1)
1 | You have to use the fixed value "SearchNotice" as Query Definition. |
6.8.1. Keywords
<rim:Slot name="Keywords">
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Value>paintings</rim:Value> (1)
1 | All keywords are collected as one single string. Enter the keywords for the search as expecting it from a searchbar. Select keywords for any parameter of the search as if searching for a specific procedure. |
This slot is optional and can only be included once.
6.8.2. Form Type
<rim:Slot name="FormType" type="">
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Value>competition</rim:Value> (1)
1 | Select the type from the given collection. Into the type-attribute of the slot is to fill with the listID "". |
The type of the slotValue is a CollectionValueType, so you can enter more than one element. Each element has to be of a xsi:type StringValueType. This slot is optional and can only be included once.
6.8.3. Notice Type
<rim:Slot name="NoticeType" type=""> (1)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Value>cn-social</rim:Value> (2)
1 | Just like the form type, you may select the notice type, you want to search for. The ID of the list has to be "" in the type attribute of the slot. |
The type of the slotValue is a CollectionValueType, so you can enter more than one element. Each element has to be of a xsi:type StringValueType. This slot is optional and can only be included once.
6.8.4. Classification
<rim:Slot name="Classification" type=""> (1)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Slot name="Classification" type=""> (2)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
1 | The classification consists of the type of classification and the value. The type of classification is filled into the type-attribute in form of your listID ("" or ""). Therefore, the type of your classification has to be the same for each element. Into the value tag goes the selected CPV or CPVsuppl code for the search request. |
2 | This would be an example of to different kinds of classifications searched for in the same request. The first one is a standard cpv code, and the second a cpvsuppl code. Both have to be put in different classification slots. In total there can be two classification slots, but each consists of multiple elements with various codes. |
The type of the slotValue is a CollectionValueType, so you can enter more than one element. Each element has its own type, i.e. StringValueType, that you have to declare. The whole slot is optional.
6.8.5. Contract Nature
<rim:Slot name="ContractNature"
type=""> (1)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType"> (2)
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType"> (3)
<rim:Value>supplies</rim:Value> (4)
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
1 | The type of the slotValue is a CollectionValueType, so you can enter more than one element. The listID "" has to be filled into the type-attribute of the slot. |
2 | Each element has its own type, i.e. StringValueType, that you have to declare. |
3 | The values were chosen to match the classification codes. |
This slot is optional and can only be included once.
6.8.6. Place of Performance
<rim:Slot name="PlaceOfPerformance" type=""> (1)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Value>IE063</rim:Value> (2)
1 | The type of the slotValue is a CollectionValueType, so you can enter more than one element. The listID "" has to be filled into the type-attribute of the slot. Each location is added in form of a standard NUTS-Code. |
This slot is optional and can only be included once.
6.8.7. Estimated Value
<rim:Slot name="EstimatedValue"> (1)
<rim:Slot name="Minimum"> (2)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:IntegerValueType">
<rim:Slot name="Maximum"> (3)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:IntegerValueType">
<rim:Slot name="Currency" type=""> (4)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
1 | The slot for the estimated tender value consists of four different slots, which can all be added to specify the tender value. The slot as a whole is optional, as are each of the three slots in it. |
2 | The first one is minimum, the minimal tender value you are looking for. It has to be declared as an integer. |
3 | Corresponding to minimum, the second value you can search for in the tender value is the maximum. Just like the minimum the maximum tender value you are searching for is an integer. |
4 | The third possible criteria is the currency. This one is a CollectionValueType you can enter more than one element. The values are selected from the list "" which ID is deposited in the type-attribute of the slot. |
This slot is optional and can only be included once. If Estimated Value is included at least one of minimum, maximum or currency has to be included as well. These can only be included once.
6.8.8. Procedure Type
<rim:Slot name="ProcedureType"
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Value>neg-wo-call</rim:Value> (1)
1 | The type of the slotValue is a CollectionValueType, so you can enter more than one element. The listID "" has to be filled into the type-attribute of the slot. The value of the slot is chosen from the list. |
This slot is optional and can only be included once.
6.8.9. Submission language
<rim:Slot name="SubmissionLanguage"
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Value>ENG</rim:Value> (1)
1 | The type of the slotValue is a CollectionValueType, so you can enter more than one element. The listID "" has to be filled into the type-attribute of the slot. The value of the slot is chosen from the list. |
This slot is optional and can only be included once.
6.8.10. Publication Date
<rim:Slot name="PublicationDate"> (1)
<rim:Slot name="StartDate"> (2)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:DateTimeValueType">
<rim:Slot name="EndDate"> (3)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:DateTimeValueType">
1 | The first of four date slots. Here you can search for the date of publication. The slot can consist of up to two slots, each of a DateTimeValueType. |
2 | The first slot can be filled with a potential start date and time of the publication. With the DateTimeValueType in mind you can declare the desired date in the standard DateTime format ("yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss", the timezone in the end (i.e. Z or +01:00)). Values for seconds, and the timezone must be given. |
3 | The second slot can be filled with a possible end date and time of the publication. With the DateTimeValueType in mind you can declare the desired date in the standard DateTime format ("yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss", the timezone in the end (i.e. Z or +01:00)). Values for seconds, and the timezone must be given. |
This slot is optional and can only be included once.
6.8.11. Deadline Receipt Tenders
<rim:Slot name="DeadlineReceiptTenders"> (1)
<rim:Slot name="StartDate"> (2)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:DateTimeValueType">
<rim:Slot name="EndDate"> (3)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:DateTimeValueType">
1 | The second of four date slots. Here you can search for the deadline of receipt tenders. The slot can consist of up to two slots, each of a DateTimeValueType. |
2 | The first slot can be filled with a potential start date and time for the deadline for receipt tenders. With the DateTimeValueType in mind you can declare the desired date in the standard DateTime format ("yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss", the timezone in the end (i.e. Z or +01:00)). Values for seconds, and the timezone must be given. |
3 | The second slot can be filled with a possible end date and time for the deadline for receipt tenders. With the DateTimeValueType in mind you can declare the desired date in the standard DateTime format ("yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss", the timezone in the end (i.e. Z or +01:00)). Values for seconds, and the timezone must be given. |
This slot is optional and can only be included once.
6.8.12. Additional Information Deadline
<rim:Slot name="AdditionalInformationDeadline"> (1)
<rim:Slot name="StartDate"> (2)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:DateTimeValueType">
<rim:Slot name="EndDate"> (3)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:DateTimeValueType">
1 | The third of four date slots. Here you can search for the deadline of additional information. The slot can consist of up to two slots, each of a DateTimeValueType. |
2 | The first slot can be filled with a potential start date and time for the deadline of additional information. With the DateTimeValueType in mind you can declare the desired date in the standard DateTime format ("yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss", the timezone in the end (i.e. Z or +01:00)). Values for seconds, and the timezone must be given. |
3 | The second slot can be filled with a possible end date and time for the deadline of additional information. With the DateTimeValueType in mind you can declare the desired date in the standard DateTime format ("yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss", the timezone in the end (i.e. Z or +01:00)). Values for seconds, and the timezone must be given. |
This slot is optional and can only be included once.
6.8.13. Deadline Receipt Requests
<rim:Slot name="DeadlineReceiptRequests"> (1)
<rim:Slot name="StartDate"> (2)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:DateTimeValueType">
<rim:Slot name="EndDate"> (3)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:DateTimeValueType">
1 | The last of the four date slots. Here you can search for the deadline of receipt requests. The slot can consist of up to two slots, each of a DateTimeValueType. |
2 | The first slot can be filled with a potential start date and time for the deadline of receipt requests. With the DateTimeValueType in mind you can declare the desired date in the standard DateTime format ("yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss", the timezone in the end (i.e. Z or +01:00)). Values for seconds, and the timezone must be given. |
3 | The second slot can be filled with a possible end date and time for the deadline of receipt requests. With the DateTimeValueType in mind you can declare the desired date in the standard DateTime format ("yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss", the timezone in the end (i.e. Z or +01:00)). Values for seconds, and the timezone must be given. |
This slot is optional and can only be included once.
6.8.14. Notice Identifier
<rim:Slot name="NoticeIdentifier"> <!-- optional -->
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Value>53EB9F20-EE12-474F-9424-78FC604E8FAE</rim:Value> (1)
1 | The type of the slotValue is a CollectionValueType, so you can enter more than one element. The UUID is matching with the id you get in your response. |
This slot is optional and can only be included once.
6.8.15. Procedure Identifier
<rim:Slot name="ProcedureIdentifier"> <!-- optional -->
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Value>2C621D47-112D-42D4-B6F8-57392464C3E7</rim:Value> (1)
1 | The type of the slotValue is a CollectionValueType, so you can enter more than one element. The UUID is matching with the logical id you get in your response. |
This slot is optional and can only be included once.
6.8.16. Procedure legal basis
<rim:Slot name="ProcedureLegalBasis" type=""> <!-- optional -->
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Value>32014L0023</rim:Value> (1)
1 | The type of the slotValue is a CollectionValueType, so you can enter more than one element. The listID "legalBasis" has to be filled into the type-attribute of the slot. The value of the slot is chosen from the list. Insert the id of the legal base from which you draw the procedure. |
This slot is optional and can only be included once.
6.8.17. Reserved Participation
<rim:Slot name="ReservedParticipation"
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Value>res-ws</rim:Value> (1)
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
1 | The type of the slotValue is a CollectionValueType, so you can enter more than one element. The listID "" has to be filled into the type-attribute of the slot. The value of the slot is chosen from the list. Choose if the procedure is only accessible for certain types of companies. |
This slot is optional and can only be included once.
6.8.18. Suitable for SMEs
<rim:Slot name="SuitableForSMEs">
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:BooleanValueType">
<rim:Value>true</rim:Value> (1)
1 | As this slotValue is a boolean, please only insert true or false, if the procedure has to be suitable for small or medium-sized economic operators. |
This slot is optional and can only be included once.
6.8.19. Winner economic operator name
<rim:Slot name="WinnerEconomicOperatorName">
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Value>Company Y SE</rim:Value> (1)
1 | Insert the official name of the company which won the procedure. |
This slot is optional and can only be included once.
6.8.20. Award criterion type
<rim:Slot name="AwardCriterionType"
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Value>quality</rim:Value> (1)
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
1 | The type of the slotValue is a CollectionValueType, so you can enter more than one element. The listID "" has to be filled into the type-attribute of the slot. The value of the slot is chosen from the list. Some values cannot be combined with each other, so be careful in selecting each. |
This slot is optional and can only be included once.
6.8.21. Buyer Information
<rim:Slot name="BuyerInformation"> (1)
<rim:Slot name="Name"> (2)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Value>Company Y SE</rim:Value>
<rim:Slot name="OrganisationNumber"> (3)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Slot name="City"> (4)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Slot name="PostCode"> (5)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Slot name="OrganizationCountrySubdivision"
type=""> (6)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Slot name="CountryCode" type=""> (7)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Slot name="LegalType"
type=""> (8)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Slot name="MainActivity"
type=""> (9)
<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
1 | This slot collects all the information about the buyer. |
2 | Name of the buying company. |
3 | The number of the organisation, as defined in each country. |
4 | The address of the company - city. |
5 | The address of the company - postcode. |
6 | The id of each affected subdivision of the company, as selected from the code list. The listId "" has to be deposited in the type attribute of the slot. Multiple subdivision ids can be added. |
7 | The country code of each affected country, as selected from the code list. The listId "" has to be deposited in the type attribute of the slot. Multiple country codes can be added. |
8 | The legal type of the buying company, as selected from the code list. The listId "" has to be deposited in the type attribute of the slot. Multiple legal types can be added. |
9 | The main activity of the buying company, as selected from the code list. The listId "" has to be deposited in the type attribute of the slot. Multiple activities can be added. |
The whole slot is optional and can be included multiple times. If Buyer Information is included at least one of name, organisation number, city, postcode, organisation country subdivision, country code, legal type or main activity has to be included as well. These can only be included once.