Peppol International (PINT) Specifications for Australia & New Zealand

The following are Australia & New Zealand specialisations of Business Interoperability Specifications (BIS) using the Peppol International (PINT) methodology.

PINT A-NZ Billing Process v1.1.0

This is the specification for the Australia & New Zealand specialisation of the Peppol International (PINT) Billing process incorporating Invoice and Credit Note transactions.

PINT A-NZ Self-billing Process v1.1.0

This is the specification for the Australia & New Zealand Self-billing process incorporating Self-billing Invoice and Credit Note. The transactions have the same data model as PINT A-NZ Billing but the process differs as the sender is the buyer and the receiver is the seller. It is optional for Service Providers operating in Australia & New Zealand to support this specification.