The electronic address of the eTendering system which is used by the buyer, contracting authority or contracting entity who is buying supplies, services or public works using a tendering procedure as described in the applicable directive (Directives 2014/24/EU, 2014/25/EU). In the later eTendering process the element is used to find the right eTendering Platform for a Procurement Procedure Subscription (P001).

rim urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:rim:4.0
Use Name Description
M @name

Fixed value: BuyerElectronicAddress

M @type

Fixed value: EAS

Child elements
Card Name Description
1..1 rim:SlotValue  
Identifier/Error message Flag
A Notice QueryResponse MUST identify the Receiver by its party identifier and its BuyerElectronicAddress.