PEPPOL T004 rules - Call for Tenders 1.2
Identifier/Error message | Flag |
CL-T83-R001 [CL-T83-R001]-A procedure type MUST be one of the following: comp-dial, comp-tend, innovation, neg-w-call, neg-wo-call, open, oth-mult, oth-single, restricted |
fatal |
CL-T83-R002 [CL-T83-R002]-A procurement project type MUST be one of the following: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, Z |
fatal |
CL-T83-R005 [CL-T83-R005]-A country identification code must be coded using ISO 3166, alpha 2 codes |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R001 [PEPPOL-T004-R001] A Call For Tenders MUST have a syntax identifier. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R002 [PEPPOL-T004-R002] CustomizationID value MUST be '' |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R003 [PEPPOL-T004-R003] ProfileID value MUST be '' |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R004 [PEPPOL-T004-R004] A Call For Tenders Identifier MUST have a schemeURI attribute. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-R005 [PEPPOL-T004-R005] schemeURI for Call For Tenders Identifier MUST be 'urn:uuid'. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-R006 [PEPPOL-T004-R006] A Call For Tenders Identifier value MUST be expressed in a UUID syntax (RFC 4122) |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R007 [PEPPOL-T004-R007] A Call For Tenders MUST have an issue time. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R008 [PEPPOL-T004-R008] IssueTime MUST include timezone information. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R009 [PEPPOL-T004-R009] IssueTime MUST have a granularity of seconds |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R010 [PEPPOL-T004-R010] A Party Identifier MUST have a scheme identifier attribute. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R011 [PEPPOL-T004-R011] A Party Identifier Scheme MUST be from the list of PEPPOL Party Identifiers described in the "PEPPOL Policy for using Identifiers". |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R012 [PEPPOL-T004-R012] An Endpoint Identifier MUST have a scheme identifier attribute. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R013 [PEPPOL-T004-R013] An Endpoint Identifier Scheme MUST be from the list of PEPPOL Party Identifiers described in the "PEPPOL Policy for using Identifiers". |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R014 [PEPPOL-T004-R014] LocaleCode MUST have a list Identifier. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R015 [PEPPOL-T004-R015] listID for LocaleCode MUST be 'ISO639-1'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R016 [PEPPOL-T004-R016] LocalCode MUST be a valid Language Code. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R017 [PEPPOL-T004-R017] DocumentTypeCode MUST have a list Identifier. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R018 [PEPPOL-T004-R018] listID for DocumentTypeCode MUST be 'urn:eu:esens:cenbii:documentType'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R019 [PEPPOL-T004-R019] DocumentTypeCode MUST be one of 'PRO' or 'REQ' or '916'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R020 [PEPPOL-T004-R020] DocumentStatusCode MUST have a list Identifier. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R021 [PEPPOL-T004-R021] listID for DocumentStatusCode MUST be 'urn:eu:esens:cenbii:documentStatusType'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R022 [PEPPOL-T004-R022] DocumentStatusCode MUST be one of NR,RWOS, RWAS ,RWQS |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R023 [PEPPOL-T004-R023] DocumentStatusCode 'NR' is NOT valid for an AdditionalDocumentReference with DocumentType 'REQ' |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R024 [PEPPOL-T004-R024] Additional Document Reference Identifiers MUST be unique. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R025 [PEPPOL-T004-R025] A Call For Tenders Document Reference Identifier MUST have a schemeURI attribute. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R026 [PEPPOL-T004-R026] schemeURI for Call For Tenders Document Reference Identifier MUST be 'urn:uuid'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R027 [PEPPOL-T004-R027] A Call For Tenders Document Reference Identifier value MUST be expressed in a UUID syntax (RFC 4122) |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R028 [PEPPOL-T004-R028] EndTime MUST include timezone information. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R029 [PEPPOL-T004-R029] Lot identifiers MUST be unique. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R030 [PEPPOL-T004-R030] DocumentDescription MUST be a valid Procurement Project Lot Identifier"/> |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R031 [PEPPOL-T004-R031] Note MUST only be used when Submission Method Code equals to POSTAL |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R032 [PEPPOL-T004-R032] MaximumVariantQuantity MUST be greater than 0 when VariantConstraintIndicator is set to true. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R033 [PEPPOL-T004-R033] AdditionalConditions value MUST be one of 'WOS', 'WAS, 'WQS'. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R034 [PEPPOL-T004-R034] A Call for Tenders MUST identify the Contracting Body by its party and endpoint identifiers. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R035 [PEPPOL-T004-R035] ExternalReference MUST include either URI or FileName |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R036 [PEPPOL-T004-R036] A Provided Document Reference MUST reference the provided document. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R037 [PEPPOL-T004-R037] Participation Request Reception Period MUST not be given for proceduretypes without participation contest. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R038 [PEPPOL-T004-R038] A Call For Tenders MUST have a version identifier |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R039 [PEPPOL-T004-R039] UBLVersionID value MUST be '2.2' |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-R534 [PEPPOL-T004-R534] A Call for Tenders MUST identify the Economic Operator / Receiving Party by its party and endpoint identifiers. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-T004-S316 [PEPPOL-T004-S316] AdditionalDocumentReference SHOULD NOT contain any elements but ID, IssueDate, DocumentTypeCode, LocaleCode, VersionID, DocumentStatusCode, DocumentDescription, Attachment. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S317 [PEPPOL-T004-S317] AdditionalDocumentReference for a Document with DocumentTypeCode='REQ' SHOULD NOT contain any elements but ID, DocumentTypeCode, DocumentStatusCode |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S318 [PEPPOL-T004-S318] DocumentTypeCode SHOULD be used. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S323 [PEPPOL-T004-S323] DocumentStatusCode SHOULD be used. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S328 [PEPPOL-T004-S328] Attachment SHOULD NOT contain any element but ExternalReference |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S329 [PEPPOL-T004-S329] ExternalReference SHOULD NOT contain any element but URI, MimeCode, FileName |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S333 [PEPPOL-T004-S333] ContractingParty SHOULD NOT contain any elements but cac:Party. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S334 [PEPPOL-T004-S334] A ContractingParty/cac:Party SHOULD NOT contain any elements but EndpointID, PartyIdentification, PartyName, PartyLegalEntity |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S336 [PEPPOL-T004-S336] PartyIdentification SHOULD be used exactly once. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S341 [PEPPOL-T004-S341] PartyLegalEntity SHOULD NOT contain any elements but cac:RegistrationAddress. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S342 [PEPPOL-T004-S342] RegistrationAddress SHOULD NOT contain any elements but cac:Country. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S343 [PEPPOL-T004-S343] Country SHOULD NOT contain any elements but IdentificationCode. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S347 [PEPPOL-T004-S347] TenderingTerms SHOULD be used. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S348 [PEPPOL-T004-S348] TenderingTerms SHOULD NOT contain any element but MaximumVariantQuantity, VariantConstraintIndicator, Note, AdditionalConditions, ProcurementLegislationDocumentReference, CallForTendersDocumentReference, TenderRecipientParty. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S349 [PEPPOL-T004-S349] MaximumVariantQuantity SHOULD be expressed as an integer value. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S351 [PEPPOL-T004-S351] MaximumVariantQuantity SHOULD NOT be used or MUST be equal to 0 when VariantConstraintIndicator is set to false. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S353 [PEPPOL-T004-S353] VariantConstraintIndicator SHOULD be used. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S355 [PEPPOL-T004-S355] Note SHOULD be expressed as an integer value when used. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S361 [PEPPOL-T004-S361] ProcurementLegislationDocumentReference SHOULD NOT contain any elements but ID, DocumentDescription. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S364 [PEPPOL-T004-S364] CallForTendersDocumentReference SHOULD NOT contain any elements but ID |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S367 [PEPPOL-T004-S367] TenderRecipientParty SHOULD NOT contain any elements but EndpointID |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S368 [PEPPOL-T004-S368] TenderingProcess SHOULD be used. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S369 [PEPPOL-T004-S369] TenderingProcess SHOULD NOT contain any elements but ProcedureCode, ContractingSystemCode, SubmissionMethodCode, TenderSubmissionDeadlinePeriod, ParticipationRequestReceptionPeriod. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S370 [PEPPOL-T004-S370] ProcedureCode SHOULD be used. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S373 [PEPPOL-T004-S373] TenderSubmissionDeadlinePeriod SHOULD be used. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S374 [PEPPOL-T004-S374] TenderSubmissionDeadlinePeriod SHOULD NOT contain any elements but EndDate and EndTime. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S375 [PEPPOL-T004-S375] TenderSubmissionDeadlinePeriod EndDate SHOULD be used. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S376 [PEPPOL-T004-S376] ParticipationRequestReceptionPeriod SHOULD NOT contain any elements but EndDate and EndTime. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S378 [PEPPOL-T004-S378] ProcurementProject SHOULD NOT contain any elements but Name, Description, ProcurementTypeCode, MainCommodityClassification, AdditionalCommodityClassification, RealizedLocation. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S379 [PEPPOL-T004-S379] ProcurementProject Name SHOULD be used exactly once. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S380 [PEPPOL-T004-S380] ProcurementProject Description SHOULD be used exactly once. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S382 [PEPPOL-T004-S382] ProcurementTypeCode SHOULD be used. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S384 [PEPPOL-T004-S384] ProcurementProject MainCommodityClassification SHOULD be used exactly once. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S385 [PEPPOL-T004-S385] MainCommodityClassification SHOULD NOT contain any elements but ItemClassificationCode. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S386 [PEPPOL-T004-S386] AdditionalCommodityClassification SHOULD NOT contain any elements but ItemClassificationCode. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S388 [PEPPOL-T004-S388] ProcurementProject RealizedLocation SHOULD be used at least once. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S389 [PEPPOL-T004-S389] RealizedLocation SHOULD NOT contain any elements but ID. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S391 [PEPPOL-T004-S391] ProcurementProjectLot SHOULD NOT contain any elements but ID, ProcurementProject. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S393 [PEPPOL-T004-S393] ProcurementProjectLot ProcurementProject SHOULD NOT contain any elements but Name. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S394 [PEPPOL-T004-S394] ProcurementProjectLot ProcurementProject Name SHOULD be used exactly once. |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S500 [PEPPOL-T004-S334] A cac:ReceivingParty SHOULD NOT contain any elements but EndpointID, PartyIdentification, PartyName, PartyLegalEntity |
warning |
PEPPOL-T004-S501 [PEPPOL-T004-500] PartyIdentification SHOULD be used exactly once. |
warning |