Card Name Description
1..1 t004:CallForTenders

Call For Tenders, root element

1..1 •   cbc:UBLVersionID

UBL version identifier
Requires UBL version 2.2

Fixed value: 2.2

1..1 •   cbc:CustomizationID

Specification identification
An identification of the specification containing the total set of rules regarding semantic content, cardinalities and business rules to which the data contained in the instance document conforms.

Fixed value:

1..1 •   cbc:ProfileID

Business process type identifier
Identifies the business process context in which the transaction appears. It enables the buyer to process the document in an appropriate way.

Fixed value:

1..1 •   cbc:ID

Call for tender identifier
Identifies the call for tender as issued by the contracting body. Must be expressed as a UUID

M •   •   @schemeURI

Scheme identifier

Fixed value: urn:uuid

1..1 •   cbc:ContractFolderID

Reference number
An identifier that is specified by the buyer and used as a reference number for all documents in the procurement process. It is also known as procurement project identifier, procurement reference number or contract folder identifier.

1..1 •   cbc:IssueDate

Call for tender issue date
The date on which the call for tender is issued.

1..1 •   cbc:IssueTime

Call for tender issue time
The time when the call for tender is issued. The issue time must have granularity of seconds, and include time zone information

1..1 •   cbc:VersionID

Call for tender version
Identifies the version of the call for tenders.

0..n •   cac:AdditionalDocumentReference

Additional document reference
Additional document reference are used for different document references, required document, provided document. To reference several types, the additional document should be repeated for each type.

1..1 •   •   cbc:ID

Document identifier
Identification of the document reference

0..1 •   •   cbc:IssueDate

Document issue date
Date when the referred document was issued.

0..1 •   •   cbc:DocumentTypeCode

Document type code
A code specifying the type of the document, valid codes are PROVIDED or REQUIRED

M •   •   •   @listID

List identifier

Fixed value: urn:eu:esens:cenbii:documentType

0..1 •   •   cbc:LocaleCode

Provided document language
Language of a document that is provided as part of a call for tender.

M •   •   •   @listID

List identifier

Fixed value: ISO639-1

0..1 •   •   cbc:VersionID

Provided document version
Version of a document that is provided as part of a tender or call for tender.

0..1 •   •   cbc:DocumentStatusCode

Provided document to be returned indicator
Indicates that the provided document in the call for tender has to be returned as part of the tender.

M •   •   •   @listID

List identifier

Fixed value: urn:eu:esens:cenbii:documentStatusType

0..1 •   •   cbc:DocumentDescription

Document description
A description of the required or provided document, or if DocumentTypeCode ="PROVIDED" the description should reference to one or more lots the economic operator is applying for. The original lot definition is part of the call for tender document. The Qualification instance only references the corresponding IDs in order to establish the connection to the call for tender information.

0..1 •   •   cac:Attachment

Attachment information

1..1 •   •   •   cac:ExternalReference

External reference information

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:URI

Provided document url
A public URL where a document provided in a Call for tender can be downloaded or a URI to the document provided inside the ASIC-E package or any other type of package.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:MimeCode

Document mime type code
Mime code of the attached document

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:FileName

Provided document name
Name of a document that is provided as part of a tender or call for tender.

1..1 •   cac:ContractingParty

Contracting body

1..1 •   •   cac:Party

Party information

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:EndpointID

Contracting body electronic address identifier
Electronic address of the contracting body.

Example value: DE122268496

M •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier

Example value: 9930

1..1 •   •   •   cac:PartyIdentification

Party identification

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Contracting body identifier
The national identifier of a contracting body as it is legally registered (e.g. VAT identification, such as KBO)

Example value: 991-1234512345-06

M •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier

Example value: 0204

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PartyName

Party name

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Contracting body name
The name of the contracting body as it is registered.

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PartyLegalEntity

Party legal entity

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:RegistrationAddress

Registration address

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:Country


1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country of registration
The country where the party is registered. The country should always be given by using ISO code 3166 alpha 2

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @listID

List identifier

Fixed value: ISO3166-1:Alpha2

0..1 •   cac:ReceiverParty

Economic operator
Any natural or legal person or public entity or group of such persons and/or entities, including any temporary association of undertakings, which offers the execution of works and/or a work, the supply of products or the provision of services on the market.

1..1 •   •   cbc:EndpointID

Economic operator electronic address identifier
Electronic address of the economic operator.

M •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier for electronic address identifier

1..1 •   •   cac:PartyIdentification

Party identification

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:ID

Economic operator identifier
An identifier that identifies the economic operator, such as a legal registration identifier.

Example value: 7300010000001

M •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier for party identifier

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   cac:PartyName

Party name

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:Name

Economic operator name
The name of the economic operator.

0..1 •   •   cac:PostalAddress

Postal address

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in an address.

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:AdditionalStreetName

Address line 2
An additional address line in an address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line.

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of a city where the address is located.

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:CountrySubentity

Country subdivision
The subdivision of a country such as region, county, state, province etc.

0..1 •   •   •   cac:Country


1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country.

M •   •   •   •   •   @listID

List identifier for country code

0..1 •   •   cac:PartyLegalEntity

Party legal entity

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:CompanyLegalForm

Economic operator legal form
A textual description of the legal form of the economic operator.

0..1 •   •   •   cac:RegistrationAddress

Legal registration address

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Country


1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Economic operator registration country code
The registration country code of the economic operator.

M •   •   •   •   •   •   @listID

List identifier for country code

0..1 •   •   cac:Contact

Contact information

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:Name

Contact point
The name of the contact point.

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:Telephone

Contact telephone number
A phone number for the contact point.

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:Telefax

Contact fax number
A fax number for the contact point.

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:ElectronicMail

Contact email address
An e-mail address for the contact point.

1..1 •   cac:TenderingTerms

Tendering terms

0..1 •   •   cbc:MaximumVariantQuantity

Maximum number of variants to submit
Maximum number of variants a tenderer can submit.

1..1 •   •   cbc:VariantConstraintIndicator

Variants indicator
Indicates if variants are accepted in the tender. Use true when variants are allowed.

0..1 •   •   cbc:Note

Required number of copies
Required number of paper copies to submit if using postal submission.

0..1 •   •   cbc:AdditionalConditions

Overall expected level of tender signature
Expected level of signature to be used by the tenderer when submitting the tenders.

0..1 •   •   cac:ProcurementLegislationDocumentReference

Procurement legislation information

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:ID

Procurement legislation information document reference identifier
An identifier for the document reference

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:DocumentDescription

Legal references
Textual description of references to specific legislation

0..1 •   •   cac:CallForTendersDocumentReference

Call for tenders document reference

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:ID

Call for tender previous identifier
Identifies a previously issued call for tender when updated by the contracting body, expressed as a UUID

M •   •   •   •   @schemeURI

Scheme identifier

Fixed value: urn:uuid

0..1 •   •   cac:TenderRecipientParty

Tender recipient party

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:EndpointID

PEPPOL address for submission of tenders
The PEPPOL Address (Participant Identifier) that the call for tenders to which tenders or requests to participate shall be submitted. This endpoint ID MUST be used only when different from the Contracting Authority Endpoint ID

Example value: 500820007

M •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier

Example value: 9946

1..1 •   cac:TenderingProcess

Tendering process

1..1 •   •   cbc:ProcedureCode

Procedure type
A code specifying the type of this tendering process. The coded version of the description of procedure. (E.g.) Open procedure, negotiated etc.

M •   •   •   @listID

List identifier

Fixed value: PR_PROC

0..1 •   •   cbc:ContractingSystemCode

Type of contract to establish
Specifies that the aim of the awarding process is to establish a public contract or to setup a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system. For framework agreement and DPS, indicates whether the new contract will be based on an already established framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system or not.

M •   •   •   @listID

List identifier

Fixed value: CONTRACT_TYPE

0..1 •   •   cbc:SubmissionMethodCode

Backup for electronic submission indicator
Indicator whether postal submission of the tender is merely a backup for the electronic submission

M •   •   •   @listID

List identifier


1..1 •   •   cac:TenderSubmissionDeadlinePeriod

Tender submission deadline period

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:EndDate

Tender submission deadline
Time limit for receipt of tenders (open procedures) or requests to participate (restricted procedures, competitive procedures with negotiation, dynamic purchasing systems, competitive dialogues, innovation partnerships)

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:EndTime

Tender submission deadline
Time limit for receipt of tenders (open procedures) or requests to participate (restricted procedures, competitive procedures with negotiation, dynamic purchasing systems, competitive dialogues, innovation partnerships)

0..1 •   •   cac:ParticipationRequestReceptionPeriod

Participation request reception period

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:EndDate

Request for participation deadline
The date and time before which documents are available for access or may be requested and before which requests to participate must be received.

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:EndTime

Request for participation deadline
The date and time before which documents are available for access or may be requested and before which requests to participate must be received.

1..1 •   cac:ProcurementProject

Procurement project

1..1 •   •   cbc:Name

Procurement project name
Title attributed to the procurement project by the contracting body.

1..1 •   •   cbc:Description

Procurement project description
A textual description of this procurement project.

1..1 •   •   cbc:ProcurementTypeCode

Procurement project type
Type of contract (Works, Supplies or Services).

M •   •   •   @listID

List identifier

Fixed value: PROJECT_TYPE

1..1 •   •   cac:MainCommodityClassification

Main commodity classification
The main commodity is the one representing the highest value fraction of the procurement.

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:ItemClassificationCode

Main item classification code
The main commodity classification code for goods, works and services is specified using the codelist for Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV). (External Codelist provided at

M •   •   •   •   @listID

List identifier

Fixed value: CPV

0..n •   •   cac:AdditionalCommodityClassification

Additional commodity classification
Additional commodities are other commodities belonging to the same procurement and which, taken individually and compared to the main commodity, represent a lower portion of the overall procurement.

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:ItemClassificationCode

Additional item classification code
Additional classification codes of goods, works and services are specified using the codelist for Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV). (External Codelist provided at

M •   •   •   •   @listID

List identifier

Fixed value: CPV

1..n •   •   cac:RealizedLocation

Realized location
Description of the procurement project location

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:ID

Procurement project location NUTS code
The identification of the project location using the codelist for Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) (External Codelist provided at )

M •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier

Fixed value: NUTS

0..n •   cac:ProcurementProjectLot

Procurement project lot

1..1 •   •   cbc:ID

Lot identifier
An identifier for the lot.

0..1 •   •   cac:ProcurementProject

Procurement project

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:Name

Lot name
The title of the lot