Changelog for March release 2023

Profiles P001 - P011

Release date 2023-xx-xx

P012 - New Profile - Qualification Rejection 1.0

P012 - New Profile - Invitation to Tender 1.0

Business Rules

Editorial changes

  • Update description on the use of Additional document reference and Encryption Certificate in T004 and syntax mapping. Providing further examples.

  • Update context of PEPPOL Business Rule PEPPOL-T015-R022 (Schematron Rule Context was correct but assignement in Syntax mapping was not correct)

  • Update context of PEPPOL Business Rule PEPPOL-T015-R022 (Schematron Rule Context was correct but assignement in Syntax mapping was not correct)

  • Updated XML example for NUTS codes and CPV codes (Main /Additional commodity classification) in T004 and provided reference to the corresponding codelists of the publication office

Changelog for March release 2023

Profiles P001 - P011

Release date 2023-03-01

P001 - New transactions to unsubscribe from a procedure - 1.2

T021 - Unsubscribe from procedure and T022 - Unsubscribe from procedure confirmation were added as new eTendering transactions. The transactions provide electronic messaging support for the process to unsubscribe from a procedure. Profile identifiers and Transaction identifers of T001 and T002 have been raised to 1.2.0 due to the new profile feature.

P006 Change of rim:ValueType in Estimated Values of T011

The xsi:type of the rim:Slot[@name='Minimum'] and rim:Slot[@name='Maximum'] of rim:Slot[@name='EstimatedValue'] in T011 was changed from rim:FloatValueType to rim:IntegerValueType. The corresponding Business Rule PEPPOL-T011-R046 has been adjusted.

P008 - New field for publication date - 1.2

New field NoticePublicationDatePreferred added in T015 to support eForms usage. Corresponding Business Rules have been added.

New BIS P010 - Tendering Message Response - 1.1

The BIS P010 Tendering Message Response - 1.1 was added as a new eTendering profile. The profile provides electronic messaging support for the process to notify of errors in the provided message to the sender. The profile can only be used to communicate technical difficulties.

New BIS P011 - Qualification - 1.1

The BIS P011 Qualification - 1.1 was added as a new eTendering profile. The profile provides electronic messaging support for the business process of qualifying for a tendering process in a restricted procedure. The profile is executed between a contracting body or his representative and a publication body to announce business opportunities.

New Peppol BIS pre-award guide - Notification and Open Procedure v1.0

The new guideline describes the choreography to execute open procedures using Peppol. Thus, the Notification & Open Procedure Guideline is a procedural specification. The guideline does not define individual transactions but it refers to Peppol several BISs and underlying standards, in which the transactions and the transaction information requirements are listed and defined.

CENBII schematrons rules integrated with PEPPOL rules

CENBII T004 rules, CENBII T005 rules, CENBII T006 rules have been integrated into a new set of PEPPOL rules. Rules have been renamed, removed or modified.

  • Reworking use of pattern schema

  • Removal of CENBII Schematrons

  • Applied code list rules to peppol schematrons

  • Removed references to CENBII rules in syntax mapping

Version numbers of BIS P001 - P003, P006 and P008 raised to 1.2

Since the new transactions in P001, the removal of the CENBII schematrons, a changed rim:ValueType in P006 and the new field in P008 are breaking changes, the version number of profiles, transactions and rules has been raised from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0.

Editorial changes

Updated BIS eDelivery guide for pre-award - Version 1.3

  • update 2. References

  • update use of 4.2 Party IdentifiersIdentification used in business (UBL) documents in Pre-Award

  • update of 4.4 Profile ID, Customization ID and DocumentID. Adding new identifiers due to new profiles, transactions, revisions and changes. Improving/correcting examples given in SBDH Profile for identifiers (section 6.2). Integrating section 7 with 4.4. Removing section 7

  • Editorial changes in section 4.5 about use of CEN BII and PEPPOL for normative reasons

  • additional note on the use of REM Evidence in Pre-Award in section 5.1

Updated BIS eDocuments guide for pre-award - Version 1.3

  • including additional explanatory section and ASiC example on the use of ASIC containers and signing of PEPPOL documents with PEPPOL PKI

  • update of chapter 6 Encryption of Tender and Qualificaton documents

  • update of links and references

P001 - P011

  • Update the section "Associated notification and tendering procedures" to match with Open Procedure and eDelivery guideline

  • Fix of broken links and references

  • Update descriptions on the use of UBL versions

  • Rework of structure of profiles

  • Rework of structure of transactions

  • Update of graphics and examples (P006)

  • Rework of Syntax Mapping for T005 to better illustrate different types of Document references

  • Inclusion of additional information sections about Tender Encryption in P002, P003, P011 and T004, T005, T019

  • Moving examples and data models from annex and chapter 6 to new chapter 3 in all transaction T001 - T022

Changelog for November release 2021

v1.1.0 (Profiles P001 - P009)

Release date 2021-11-29

New profile identifers and specification identifiers for BIS P001 - P005

The structure of profile identifers and specification identifiers has been changed and aligned with Peppol Post-Award. The new BIS P006-P009 (see below) adopt the same structure. References to years and CEN BII transactions were removed to get a short, clear and comprehensive structure:

  • All specification identifiers in PRAC are now expressed in the following scheme: where "x" refers to the transaction number and "y" and "z" refer to the major and minor version number

  • All profile identifiers in PRAC are now expressed in the following scheme: where "x" refers to the profile number and "y" and "z" refer to the major and minor version number

New scheme identifiers for electronic addresses and parties used in BIS P001 - P005

The use of scheme identifiers for electronic address identifiers and party identification has been changed from rule based schemeIDs to code list based scheme identifiers to align better with the methods used in Peppol Post-Award. The new BIS P006-P009 (see below) adopt the same structure. Corresponding examples are given in the documents. Scheme identifiers for endpoints and parties are now adopted from the following code lists:

  • Electronic Address Scheme (EAS) for "Endpoint identifiers"

  • ISO 6523 ICD list for "Participant identifiers"

Editorial changes in BIS P003

  • Use of UNCL1001: Update descriptions and references to the use of Document Name Codes (UNCL1001). Clarification upon the use of codes used for Call for Tender, ESPD, Tender and REM Evidence.

  • Requirements: Clarification of non-functional requirements by adding or updating br54-011, br54-007, br54-018 and br54-019

Version numbers of BIS P001 - P005 raised to 1.1

Since the new profile identifers and specification identifiers are a breaking change, the version number has been raised from 1.0.1 to 1.1.0 in all specification and profile IDs. The new BIS P006-P009 (see below) adopt the same version number.

New BIS P006 Search Notices - 1.1

The BIS P006 Search Notices - 1.1 was added as a new eTendering profile. The profile provides electronic messaging support for the business process to retrieve a bulk download of relevant notices from a publisher by any interested party.

New BIS P007 - Tender Withdrawal - 1.1

The BIS P006 Search Notices - 1.1 was added as a new eTendering profile. The profile provides electronic messaging support for the business process of the withdrawal of a tender or of participation in a tendering process by an economic operator.

New BIS P008 - Publish Notice - 1.1

The BIS P006 Search Notices - 1.1 was added as a new eTendering profile. The profile provides electronic messaging support for the business process to publish a prior information notice, a contract notice or a contract award notice. The profile is executed between a contracting body or his representative and a publication body to announce business opportunities and contract awards in public procurement procedures.

New BIS P009 - Notify Awarding - 1.1

The BIS P006 Search Notices - 1.1 was added as a new eTendering profile. The profile provides electronic messaging support for the business process of notification by a contracting body that a contract has been awarded to a particular economic operator.

Changelog for spring release 2021

v1.0.1 (Profiles P001 - P003)

Release date 2021-05-17

Maintenance of Profiles P001 - P003

Essentially editorial changes were made to the profiles to consolidate the validity of the content. No substantial changes or new features were added. All links and references to external and internal documents have been checked for validity and availability, and they have been updated if necessary. The Implementation Guidelines section of the profiles has been reworked to increase the comprehensibility of the implementation of a profile according to the underlying specifications, standards and schemas. Since the eSENS project does not longer exist and PEPPOL maintains and updates the pre-award specifications now and in the future, references to the eSENS project (in profiles, transactions, schematron rules, syntax mappings and code lists) were removed to reduce confusion and contradictory statements in respect to the specifications.

  • Links and references were checked for validity, availability and updated if necessary

  • Implementation Guidelines have been reworked

  • References to eSENS were removed or reduced

v1.0.0 (Profiles P004 - P005)

Release date 2021-05-17

New Profile P004 - Call for Tenders Questions and Answers

The Profile P004 - "Call for Tenders Questions and Answers" was added as a new eTendering profile. The profile describes a process providing electronic messaging support for the business process of answering questions of economic operators about a call for tenders. Thereby the profile supports contracting authorities to distribute answers to all economic operators having expressed their interest in the procedure.

  • Profile P004 - "Call for Tenders Questions and Answers" was added

New Profile P005 - Tender Clarification

The Profile P005 - "Tender Clarification" was added as a new eTendering profile. The profile describes a process providing electronic messaging support for the business process of answering questions of contracting authorities about a tender. Thus, this profile supports the contracting authority to clarify questions on a tender which has been submitted by an economic operator.

  • Profile P005 - "Tender Clarification" was added

Changelog for version 1.0.1 - RC1

  • Profile P004 - "Call for Tenders Questions and Answers" added

  • Profile P005 - "Tender Clarification" added

Changelog for version 1.0 - RC1

Issue Description Type


Change cardinality of "Call for tenders document reference" from mandatory to optional (1..1 to 0..1).

Syntax mapping and rules


Element "Procurement legislation information document reference identifier" is added to the class "Procurement legislation information" as a mandatory element.

Syntax mapping and rules


Added code value 916 (Related document) to code list for document type, also updating rule "eSENS-T004-R019" to allow for the new code.

Code lists and rules


Removed element Document Provider Party, and changed description of Tender Recipent Party/Endpoint ID to give better guidance on usage of the element

Syntax mapping, rules and code lists


Change data type for element "Additional document reference/Document description" from Identifier to Text

Syntax mapping


Change description of the element "Provided document URI"

Syntax mapping


Change cardinality of "Economic operator/Contact/Electronic mail" from optional to mandatory (0..1 to 1..1).

Syntax mapping and rules


Add element "Economic Operator/Additional street name" as an optional element to the Expression of Interest Request

Syntax mapping


Update description text in chapter 2, table 3 - business processes



Added element "External reference/URI" to the Submit Tender transaction

Syntax mapping


Renamed term from cac:ProcurementProjectLotReference to cac:ProcurementProjectLot in the Syntax binding for Tender Status Request

Syntax mapping


Renamed term from cac:ProcurementProjectLotReference to cac:ProcurementProjectLot in the Syntax binding for Tender Status Request

Syntax mapping


Added element for Economic Operator as optional to the Call for Tender (Technically done by adding the cac:ProviderParty

Syntax mapping, rules and code lists