- Namespace
urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:OrderResponse-2- Child elements
Card Name Description 1..1 cbc:CustomizationID Specification identification
Identifies the specification of content and rules that apply to the transaction.Example value:
1..1 cbc:ProfileID Business process type identifier
Identifies the BII profile or business process context in which the transaction appears.Fixed value:
1..1 cbc:ID Order response identifier
A transaction instance must have an identifier. The identifier enables referencing the transaction for various purposes such as from other transactions that are part of the same process.Example value:
0..1 cbc:SalesOrderID Sales order reference
An identifier of a referenced sales order, issued by the Seller.Example value:
1..1 cbc:IssueDate Order response issue date
The date on which the transaction instance was issued.Example value:
0..1 cbc:IssueTime Order response issue time
The time on which the transaction instance was issuedExample value:
1..1 cbc:OrderResponseCode Response code
A code that indicates whether the referenced order has been received and not yet processed, or is Accepted or Rejected as whole, alternatively, Accepted with change or already delivered. If response code is Accept or Reject there may not be any response lines.Example value:
0..1 cbc:Note Response clarification
Clarification of the suppliers decision.1..1 cbc:DocumentCurrencyCode Document currency
The default currency for the offer.Example value:
0..1 cbc:CustomerReference Buyer reference identifier
An identifier assigned by the Buyer used for internal routing purposes.The identifier is defined by the buyer (contact ID, department, office id, project code), but provided by the seller in the order response.Example value:
1..1 cac:OrderReference Order reference
0..1 cac:OrderChangeDocumentReference Order change reference
1..1 cac:SellerSupplierParty Seller information
1..1 cac:BuyerCustomerParty Buyer information
0..1 cac:Delivery Delivery information
0..n cac:OrderLine Specification of order lines
- Rules
Identifier/Error message Flag PEPPOL-T116-B00101
Element 'cbc:CustomizationID' MUST be provided.fatal PEPPOL-T116-B00102
Element 'cbc:ProfileID' MUST be provided.fatal PEPPOL-T116-B00103
Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided.fatal PEPPOL-T116-B00104
Element 'cbc:IssueDate' MUST be provided.fatal PEPPOL-T116-B00105
Element 'cbc:OrderResponseCode' MUST be provided.fatal PEPPOL-T116-B00106
Element 'cbc:DocumentCurrencyCode' MUST be provided.fatal PEPPOL-T116-B00107
Element 'cac:OrderReference' MUST be provided.fatal PEPPOL-T116-B00108
Element 'cac:SellerSupplierParty' MUST be provided.fatal PEPPOL-T116-B00109
Element 'cac:BuyerCustomerParty' MUST be provided.fatal PEPPOL-T116-B00110
Document MUST not contain schema location.fatal PEPPOL-T116-B00111
Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model.fatal