Peppol BIS Billing 3.0 - November 2023 Release - MEMBER REVIEW
Code lists
Code lists
ISO 6523 ICD list
Electronic Address Scheme (EAS)
ISO 3166-1:Alpha2 Country codes
ISO 4217 Currency codes
Recommendation 20, including Recommendation 21 codes - prefixed with X (UN/ECE)
Duty or tax or fee category code (Subset of UNCL5305)
Item type identification code (UNCL7143)
Invoice type code (UNCL1001 subset)
Credit note type code (UNCL1001 subset)
Invoiced object identifier scheme (UNCL 1153)
VAT date code (UNCL2005 subset)
Payment means code (UNCL4461)
Allowance reason codes (UNCL5189 subset)
Charge reason code (UNCL7161)
Mime code (subset of IANA code list)
SEPA indicator
VATEX code list