A group of business terms providing information on individual Invoice lines.


Syntax binding
ubl:Invoice / cac:InvoiceLine
  • IBR-016: [ibr-016]-An Invoice MUST have at least one Invoice line (ibg-25)
  • IBR-021: [ibr-021]-Each Invoice line (ibg-25) MUST have an Invoice line identifier (ibt-126).
  • IBR-022: [ibr-022]-Each Invoice line (ibg-25) MUST have an invoiced quantity (ibt-129)..
  • IBR-023: [ibr-023]-An Invoice line (ibg-25) MUST have an Invoiced quantity unit of measure code (ibt-130).
  • IBR-024: [ibr-024]-Each Invoice line (ibg-25) MUST have an Invoice line net amount (ibt-131).
  • IBR-025: [ibr-025]-Each Invoice line (ibg-25) MUST contain the Item name (ibt-153).
  • IBR-026: [ibr-026]-Each Invoice line (ibg-25) MUST contain the Item net price (ibt-146).

Child terms

Id Business Term Card. Definition
IBT-126 Invoice line identifier 1..1 A unique identifier for the individual line within the Invoice.
IBT-127 Invoice line note 0..1 A textual note that gives unstructured information that is relevant to the Invoice line.
IBG-36 LINE DOCUMENT REFERENCE 0..1 An identifier for an object on which the invoice line is based, given by the Seller.
IBT-128 Invoice line object identifier 0..1 An identifier for an object on which the invoice line is based, given by the Seller.
IBT-129 Invoiced quantity 1..1 The quantity of items (goods or services) that is charged in the Invoice line.
IBT-130 Invoiced quantity unit of measure code 1..1 The unit of measure that applies to the invoiced quantity.
IBT-131 Invoice line net amount 1..1 The total amount of the Invoice line (before tax).
IBT-183 Purchase order reference 0..1 An identifier for a referenced purchase order, issued by the Buyer.
IBT-132 Referenced purchase order line reference 0..1 An identifier for a referenced line within a purchase order, issued by the Buyer.
IBT-184 Despatch advice reference 0..1 An identifier for a referenced despatch advice.
IBT-133 Invoice line Buyer accounting reference 0..1 A textual value that specifies where to book the relevant data into the Buyer’s financial accounts.
IBG-26 INVOICE LINE PERIOD 0..1 A group of business terms providing information about the period relevant for the Invoice line.
IBG-27 INVOICE LINE ALLOWANCES 0..n A group of business terms providing information about allowances applicable to the individual Invoice line.
IBG-28 INVOICE LINE CHARGES 0..n A group of business terms providing information about charges and taxes other than TAX applicable to the individual Invoice line.
IBG-29 PRICE DETAILS 1..1 A group of business terms providing information about the price applied for the goods and services invoiced on the Invoice line.
IBG-30 LINE TAX INFORMATION 1..n A group of business terms providing information about the TAX applicable for the goods and services invoiced on the Invoice line.
IBG-31 ITEM INFORMATION 1..1 A group of business terms providing information about the goods and services invoiced.