Card Name Description
1..1 ubl:TransportExecutionPlan  
1..1 •   cbc:CustomizationID

Specification identification
Identifies the specification of content and rules that apply to the transaction.

Example value:

1..1 •   cbc:ProfileID

Business process type identifier
Identifies the BII profile or business process context in which the transaction appears. There are two ProfileIDs defined for the Transport Execution Plan. One profile is used when a request is expected, the other is used when no request message is expected. Possible choices are: "" and "".

Example value:

1..1 •   cbc:ID

Document identifier
An transaction instance must contain an identifier. The identifier enables positive referencing the document instance for various purposes including referencing between transactions that are part of the same process.

Example value: 691278571829041271246

1..1 •   cbc:IssueDate

Dispatch advice issue date
The date when the transport execuition plan is issued. Format = "YYYY-MM-DD".

Example value: 2021-09-29

1..1 •   cbc:IssueTime

Dispatch advice issue time
The time when the transport execuition plan is issued. Format = "hh:mm:ss".

Example value: 09:49:00

0..1 •   cbc:DocumentStatusCode

Transport execuition plan status code
A code signifying the status of the transport execuition plan. Default is Original (9)

Example value: 9

0..1 •   cbc:TransportUserRemarks

Transport Service Provider Remarks
Remarks from the transport user regarding the transport operations copied from the Transport Execution Plan request. Not used in the transport execution plan only profile

Example value: Some remarks

0..1 •   cbc:TransportServiceProviderRemarks

Transport User Remarks
Remarks from the transport service provider regarding the transport operations referred to in the Transport Execution Plan.

Example value: Some remarks

1..1 •   cac:SenderParty

Sender party
The party sending the transport execution plan.

1..1 •   •   cbc:EndpointID

Sender party electronic address
The endpoint for the sender party.

Example value: 41955619

M •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
Scheme identifier for electronic address

Example value: 0198

0..1 •   •   cac:PartyIdentification

Sender party identification
An identifier for the sender party as known to the receiver party.

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:ID


Example value: 7300010000001

O •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   cac:PartyName

Party name

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:Name

Sender party name
The name of the sender party.

Example value: Leman

0..1 •   •   cac:PostalAddress

Postal address
The postal address for the sender party.

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Ventrupvej 6

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:AdditionalStreetName

Address line 2
An additional address line in a postal address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line. Common use are secondary house number in a complex or in a building.

Example value: Greve Landsby

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Greve

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: 2670

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:CountrySubentity

Country sub entity
For specifying a region, county, state, province etc. within a country by using text.

Example value: Region Sjælland

0..1 •   •   •   cac:AddressLine

Address line 3
An additional address line in an address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Line

Example value: Bygning 5

1..1 •   •   •   cac:Country


1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: DK

0..1 •   •   cac:PartyTaxScheme

Party tax scheme
The tax information about the sender party.

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:CompanyID

Company ID
The Sender Party Value Added Tax identifer.

Example value: GB325456788

1..1 •   •   •   cac:TaxScheme

Tax scheme

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Tax scheme identifier
Tax scheme identifier. E.g. "VAT" or "GST".

Example value: VAT

1..1 •   •   cac:PartyLegalEntity

Party legal entity

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:RegistrationName

Sender party name
The name of the sender party.

Example value: Consortial

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:CompanyID

Sender parties legal registration name
The official name of the party as registered with the relevant fiscal authority.

Example value: SC234567

M •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
The identification scheme identifier of the sender partys legal registration identifier

Example value: 0089

0..1 •   •   •   cac:RegistrationAddress

Legal address

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

City name
The name of the city.

Example value: Farthing

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Country

The residens country for the sender party.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: GB

0..1 •   •   cac:Contact

The contact of the sender party.

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:Name

Contact name
The contact name.

Example value: Mr Sender

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:Telephone

Contact telephone number
The phone number of the contact.

Example value: 0158 1233714

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:ElectronicMail

Contact email address
The electronic mail of the contact.

Example value:

1..1 •   cac:ReceiverParty

Receiver Party
The party receiving the transport execution plan.

1..1 •   •   cbc:EndpointID

Receiver party electronic address
The endpoint id for the receiver party.

Example value: 10154596

M •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
Scheme identifier for electronic address

Example value: 0198

1..1 •   •   cac:PartyIdentification

Receiver party identification
An identifier for the sender party as known to the sender party.

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:ID


Example value: 7300010000001

O •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   cac:PartyName

Party name

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:Name

Receiver party name
The name of the receiver party.

Example value: DHL Express

0..1 •   •   cac:PostalAddress

Postal address
The postal address for the receiver party.

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Jydekrogen 14

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:AdditionalStreetName

Address line 2
An additional address line in a postal address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line. Common use are secondary house number in a complex or in a building.

Example value: Indkørsel 5

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Vallensbæk Landsby

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: 2625

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:CountrySubentity

Country sub entity
For specifying a region, county, state, province etc. within a country by using text.

Example value: Region Hovedstaden

0..1 •   •   •   cac:AddressLine

Address line 3
An additional address line in an address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Line

Example value: Bygning 5

1..1 •   •   •   cac:Country


1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: DK

0..1 •   •   cac:PartyTaxScheme

Party tax scheme
The tax information about the receiver party.

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:CompanyID

Company ID
The Receiver Party Value Added Tax identifer.

Example value: GB325456788

1..1 •   •   •   cac:TaxScheme

Tax scheme

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Tax scheme identifier
Tax scheme identifier. E.g. "VAT" or "GST".

Example value: VAT

1..1 •   •   cac:PartyLegalEntity

Party Legal Entity
The party legal entity for the receiver party.

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:RegistrationName

Receiver party name
The name of the receiver party.

Example value: Consortial

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:CompanyID

Receiver parties legal registration name
The official name of the party as registered with the relevant fiscal authority.

Example value: SC234567

M •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
The identification scheme identifier of the receiver parties legal registration identifier

Example value: 0089

0..1 •   •   •   cac:RegistrationAddress

Legal address

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

City name
The name of the city.

Example value: Farthing

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Country

The residens country for the receiver party.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: GB

0..1 •   •   cac:Contact

The contact of the receiver party.

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:Name

Contact name
The contact name.

Example value: Mrs Receiver

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:Telephone

Contact telephone number
The phone number of the contact.

Example value: 0158 1233714

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:ElectronicMail

Contact email address
The electronic mail of the contact.

Example value:

1..1 •   cac:TransportUserParty

Transport user party
The party requesting the transport services referenced in the transport execution plan.

0..1 •   •   cac:PartyIdentification

Transport user party identification
An identifier for the transport user party.

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:ID


Example value: 7300010000001

O •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   cac:PartyName

Party name

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:Name

Transport user party name
The name of the transport user party.

Example value: Novo Nordisk Pharmatech A/S

0..1 •   •   cac:PostalAddress

Postal address
The postal address for the transport user party.

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Københavnsvej 216

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:AdditionalStreetName

Address line 2
An additional address line in a postal address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line. Common use are secondary house number in a complex or in a building.

Example value: way 1

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Køge

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: 4600

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:CountrySubentity

Country sub entity
For specifying a region, county, state, province etc. within a country by using text.

Example value: Region Hovedstaden

0..1 •   •   •   cac:AddressLine

Address line 3
An additional address line in an address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Line

Example value: Bygning 5

1..1 •   •   •   cac:Country


1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: DK

0..1 •   •   cac:PartyTaxScheme

Party tax scheme
The tax information about the transport user party.

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:CompanyID

Company ID
The Transport User Party Value Added Tax identifer.

Example value: GB325456788

1..1 •   •   •   cac:TaxScheme

Tax scheme

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Tax scheme identifier
Tax scheme identifier. E.g. "VAT" or "GST".

Example value: VAT

1..1 •   •   cac:PartyLegalEntity

Party Legal Entity
The party legal entity for the transport user party.

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:RegistrationName

Transport user party name
The name of the transport user party.

Example value: Consortial

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:CompanyID

Transport user parties legal registration name
The official name of the party as registered with the relevant fiscal authority.

Example value: SC234567

M •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
The identification scheme identifier of the transport users legal registration identifier

Example value: 0089

0..1 •   •   •   cac:RegistrationAddress

Legal address

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

City name
The name of the city.

Example value: Farthing

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Country

The residens country for the transport user party.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: GB

0..1 •   •   cac:Contact

The contact of the transport user party.

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:Name

Contact name
The contact name.

Example value: Mr Transport user

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:Telephone

Contact telephone number
The phone number of the contact.

Example value: 0158 1233714

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:ElectronicMail

Contact email address
The electronic mail of the contact.

Example value:

1..1 •   cac:TransportServiceProviderParty

Transport service provider party
The party providing the transport services referenced in the Transport Execution Plan.

0..1 •   •   cac:PartyIdentification

Transport service provider party identification
An identifier for the transport service provider party.

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:ID


Example value: 7300010000001

O •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   cac:PartyName

Party name

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:Name

Transport service provider party name
The name of the transport service provider party.

Example value: Leman

0..1 •   •   cac:PostalAddress

Postal address
The postal address for the transport service provider party.

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Ventrupvej 6

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:AdditionalStreetName

Address line 2
An additional address line in a postal address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line. Common use are secondary house number in a complex or in a building.

Example value: way 1

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Greve

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: 2670

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:CountrySubentity

Country sub entity
For specifying a region, county, state, province etc. within a country by using text.

Example value: Region Sjælland

0..1 •   •   •   cac:AddressLine

Address line 3
An additional address line in an address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Line

Example value: Bygning 5

1..1 •   •   •   cac:Country


1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: DK

0..1 •   •   cac:PartyTaxScheme

Party tax scheme
The tax information about the transport service provider party.

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:CompanyID

Company ID
The Transport Service Provider Party Value Added Tax identifer.

Example value: GB325456788

1..1 •   •   •   cac:TaxScheme

Tax scheme

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Tax scheme identifier
Tax scheme identifier. E.g. "VAT" or "GST".

Example value: VAT

1..1 •   •   cac:PartyLegalEntity

Party legal entity
The party legel entity of the transport service provider party.

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:RegistrationName

Transport service provider party name
The name of the transport service provider party.

Example value: Consortial

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:CompanyID

Transport service provider parties legal registration name
The official name of the party as registered with the relevant fiscal authority.

Example value: SC234567

M •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
The identification scheme identifier of the transport users legal registration identifier

Example value: 0089

0..1 •   •   •   cac:RegistrationAddress

Legal address

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

City name
The name of the city.

Example value: Farthing

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Country

The residens country for the transport service provider party.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: GB

0..1 •   •   cac:Contact

The contact of the transport service provider party.

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:Name

Contact name
The contact name.

Example value: Mr Transport user

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:Telephone

Contact telephone number
The phone number of the contact.

Example value: 0158 1233714

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:ElectronicMail

Contact email address
The electronic mail of the contact.

Example value:

0..1 •   cac:BillToParty

Bill To Party
The party that will pay for the transport service(s) referred to in this Transport Execution Plan.

0..1 •   •   cbc:EndpointID

Payee party electronic address
The endpoint for the bill to party.

Example value: 13246149

M •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
Scheme identifier for electronic address

Example value: 0198

1..1 •   •   cac:PartyIdentification

Payee party identification
An identifier for the bill-to party.

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:ID

Example value: 7300010000001

M •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   cac:PartyName

Party name

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:Name

Transport user party name
The name of the bill-to party.

Example value: Novo Nordisk Pharmatech A/S

1..1 •   •   cac:PostalAddress

Postal address
The postal address for the bill-to party.

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Københavnsvej 216

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:AdditionalStreetName

Address line 2
An additional address line in a postal address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line. Common use are secondary house number in a complex or in a building.

Example value: way 1

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Køge

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: 4600

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:CountrySubentity

Country sub entity
For specifying a region, county, state, province etc. within a country by using text.

Example value: Region Hovedstaden

0..1 •   •   •   cac:AddressLine

Address line 3
An additional address line in an address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Line

Example value: Bygning 5

1..1 •   •   •   cac:Country


1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: DK

0..1 •   •   cac:PartyTaxScheme

Party tax scheme
The tax information about the payee party.

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:CompanyID

Company ID
The Transport User Party Value Added Tax identifer.

Example value: GB325456788

1..1 •   •   •   cac:TaxScheme

Tax scheme

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Tax scheme identifier
Tax scheme identifier. E.g. "VAT" or "GST".

Example value: VAT

1..1 •   •   cac:PartyLegalEntity

Party Legal Entity
The party legal entity for the payee party.

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:RegistrationName

Transport user party name
The name of the payee party.

Example value: Consortial

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:CompanyID

Transport user parties legal registration name
The official name of the party as registered with the relevant fiscal authority.

Example value: SC234567

M •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
The identification scheme identifier of the transport users legal registration identifier

Example value: 0089

0..1 •   •   •   cac:RegistrationAddress

Legal address

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

City name
The name of the city.

Example value: Farthing

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Country

The residens country for the transport user party.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: GB

0..1 •   •   cac:Contact

The contact of the payee party.

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:Name

Contact name
The contact name.

Example value: Mr Transport user

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:Telephone

Contact telephone number
The phone number of the contact.

Example value: 0158 1233714

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:ElectronicMail

Contact email address
The electronic mail of the contact.

Example value:

0..1 •   cac:TransportExecutionPlanRequestDocumentReference

Additional document reference
Reference to a transport execution plan request. Mandatory if it is not

1..1 •   •   cbc:ID

Identity of the reference
The reference number of added document

Example value: 7648779

0..1 •   •   cbc:IssueDate

Issue Date
The Issue Date when the transport execution plan request was issued

Example value: 2021-09-29

0..1 •   •   cbc:IssueTime

Issue Time
The Issue time when the transport execution plan request was issued

Example value: 07:49:00

0..n •   cac:AdditionalDocumentReference

Additional document reference
Reference to additional documents relevant for this transport execution plan.

1..1 •   •   cbc:ID

Identity of the reference
The reference number of added document

Example value: 7648779

0..1 •   •   cbc:DocumentTypeCode

Document type code
The type of reference. Must me part of UNCL1001

Example value: 380

0..1 •   •   cbc:DocumentType

Document type
The type of reference that cannot be specified by a code

Example value: Delivery soecification

0..1 •   •   cac:Attachment

Group to describe an attached document. An attachment can refer to an external document or be included with the document being exchanged.

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject

Embedded binary object
The referenced document can here be inserted as a binary object.

Example value: aHR0cHM6Ly90ZXN0LXZlZmEuZGlmaS5uby9wZXBwb2xiaXMvcG9hY2MvYmlsbGluZy8zLjAvYmlzLw==

M •   •   •   •   @mimeCode

Attached document Mime code
The mime code of the attached document.

Example value: application/pdf

M •   •   •   •   @filename

Attached document filename
The file name of the attached document

Example value: Hours-spent.pdf

0..1 •   •   •   cac:ExternalReference

External reference
A reference to an attached document that is external to the document(s) being exchanged.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:URI

Address to internet resource
The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies the external object as an Internet resource.

Example value:

0..1 •   cac:MainTransportationService

Main Transportatin Service
A description of the main transportation service referenced in the Transport Execution Plan.

1..1 •   •   cbc:TransportServiceCode

Main Transportatin Service Code
A code signifying the extent of this transportation service (e.g., door-to-door, port-to-port).

Example value: 4

0..1 •   •   cbc:TransportationServiceDescription

Main Transportatin Service Description
Text describing the transportation service.

Example value: Transport from door to door

0..n •   cac:AdditionalTransportationService

Additional Transportatin Service
A description of an additional transportation service referenced in the Transport Execution Plan. Can only be used in conjunction with a main transportation service.

1..1 •   •   cbc:TransportServiceCode

Main Transportatin Service Code
A code signifying the extent of this transportation service (e.g., door-to-door, port-to-port).

Example value: 12

0..1 •   •   cbc:TransportationServiceDescription

Main Transportatin Service Description
Text describing the transportation service.

Example value: Insurance

1..1 •   cac:Consignment

Consignment information

1..1 •   •   cbc:ID

Consignment identifier
Id for the consignment, often a number from the Transport Service provider. Use N/A if not applicable.

Example value: 12535157654567654

0..1 •   •   cbc:ConsigneeAssignedID

Consignee reference
ID or reference used by the consignee to identify this consignment.

Example value: 0160110

0..1 •   •   cbc:ConsignorAssignedID

Consignor reference
ID or reference used by the consignor to identify this consignment.

Example value: 501153162

0..1 •   •   cbc:GrossWeightMeasure

Consignment gross weight
The gross weight of the consignment as a whole. Must be equal the sum of the gross weight specified for the included transport handling unites if this is specified

Example value: 1030

M •   •   •   @unitCode

Example value: KGM

0..1 •   •   cbc:GrossVolumeMeasure

Consignment gross volume
The gross volumen of the consignment. Must be greather or equal the the volumen specified for the included transport handling unites if this is specified

Example value: 20

M •   •   •   @unitCode

Example value: MTQ

0..1 •   •   cbc:LoadingLengthMeasure

Loading length measure
The total length in a means of transport or a piece of transport equipment which, given the width and height of the transport means, will accommodate all of the consignments in a single consolidation.

Example value: 0.4

M •   •   •   @unitCode

Example value: MTR

0..1 •   •   cbc:HazardousRiskIndicator

Hazardous risk indicator
An indication that the transported goods in this consignment are subject to an international regulation concerning the carriage of dangerous goods (true) or not (false).

Example value: false

0..1 •   •   cbc:TotalTransportHandlingUnitQuantity

Total number of transport handling units

Example value: 1

M •   •   •   @unitCode

Example value: EA

0..1 •   •   cac:RequestedPickupTransportEvent

Requested pickup transport event
The pickup of this consignment requested by the party requesting a transportation service (the transport user).

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationID

Identifier pickup transport event
An identifier for this pickup transport event within an agreed event identification scheme.

Example value: 21412312412

1..1 •   •   •   cac:Location

Location of requested pickup
The location where the pickup takes place.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Identity of the pickup location
Identifies the pickup location.

Example value: 5790000435951

O •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Name of the pickup location
The name of the pickup location.

Example value: Novo Nordisk Pharmatech A/S

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Address

Address of location
Location address.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Københavnsvej 216

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:AdditionalStreetName

Address line 2
An additional address line in a postal address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line. Common use are secondary house number in a complex or in a building.

Example value: Purchasing

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Køge

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: 4600

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CountrySubentity

Country subdivision
For specifying a region, county, state, province etc. within a country by using text.

Example value: Region Hovedstaden

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:AddressLine

Address line

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Line

Address line 3
An additional address line in an address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line.

Example value: 3rd Floor, Room 5

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:Country


0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: DK

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:LocationCoordinate

Location coordinate
To specify the coordinates.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CoordinateSystemCode

Coordinate system code
Always "EPSG:3857" by definition.

Example value: EPSG:3857

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:LatitudeDegreesMeasure

Latitude degrees
The X coordinate. Use degrees with decimals.

Example value: 59.331660358041425

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Latitude degrees unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the latitude degrees.

Example value: DD

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:LongitudeDegreesMeasure

Longitude degrees
The Y coordinate. Use degrees with decimals.

Example value: 18.063363084988005

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Longitude degrees unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the longitude degrees.

Example value: DD

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:AltitudeMeasure

The Z coordinate.

Example value: 12.5

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Altitude unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to altitude.

Example value: MTR

1..1 •   •   •   cac:Period

The period within the pickup event takes place.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:StartDate

Period start date
The start date for the pickup event.

Example value: 2021-09-29

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:StartTime

Period start time
The start time for the pickup event.

Example value: 08:00:00+01:00

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:EndDate

Period end date
The end date for the pickup event.

Example value: 2021-09-29

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:EndTime

Period end time
The end time for the pickup event.

Example value: 10:00:00+01:00

0..1 •   •   cac:RequestedDeliveryTransportEvent

Requested delivery transport event
The delivery of this consignment requested by the party requesting a transportation service (the transport user).

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationID

Identifier delivery transport event
An identifier for this delivery transport event within an agreed event identification scheme.

Example value: 625435485674654132

1..1 •   •   •   cac:Location

Location of requested delivery
The location of the requested delivery.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Identity of the delivery location
Identifies the delivery location.

Example value: 5790000435951

O •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Name of the delivery location
The name of the delivery location.

Example value: DHL Københavns lufthavn

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Address

Address of the location
Location Address.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Kystvejen 24

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:AdditionalStreetName

Address line 2
An additional address line in a postal address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line. Common use are secondary house number in a complex or in a building.

Example value: Ved lufthavnen

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Kastrup

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: 2770

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CountrySubentity

Country subdivision
For specifying a region, county, state, province etc. within a country by using text.

Example value: Region Hovedstaden

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:AddressLine

Address line

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Line

Address line 3
An additional address line in an address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line.

Example value: 3rd Floor, Room 5

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:Country


0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: DK

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:LocationCoordinate

Location coordinate
To specify the coordinates.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CoordinateSystemCode

Coordinate system code
Always "EPSG:3857" by definition.

Example value: EPSG:3857

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:LatitudeDegreesMeasure

Latitude degrees
The X coordinate. Use degrees with decimals.

Example value: 59.331660358041425

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Latitude degrees unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the latitude degrees.

Example value: DD

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:LongitudeDegreesMeasure

Longitude degrees
The Y coordinate. Use degrees with decimals.

Example value: 18.063363084988005

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Longitude degrees unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the longitude degrees.

Example value: DD

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:AltitudeMeasure

The Z coordinate.

Example value: 12.5

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Altitude unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to altitude.

Example value: MTR

1..1 •   •   •   cac:Period

The period within the delivery event takes place.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:StartDate

Period start date
The start date for the delivery event.

Example value: 2021-09-29

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:StartTime

Period start time
The start time for the delivery event.

Example value: 10:00:00+01:00

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:EndDate

Period end date
The end date for the delivery event.

Example value: 2021-09-29

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:EndTime

Period end time
The end time for the delivery event.

Example value: 11:00:00+01:00

1..1 •   •   cac:PlannedPickupTransportEvent

Planned pickup transport event
The pickup of this consignment planned by the party responsible for providing the transportation service (the transport service provider)

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationID

Identifier pickup transport event
An identifier for this pickup transport event within an agreed event identification scheme.

Example value: 21412312412

1..1 •   •   •   cac:Location

Location of requested pickup
The location where the pickup takes place.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Identity of the pickup location
Identifies the pickup location.

Example value: 5790000435951

O •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Name of the pickup location
The name of the pickup location.

Example value: Novo Nordisk Pharmatech A/S

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Address

Address of location
Location address.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Københavnsvej 216

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:AdditionalStreetName

Address line 2
An additional address line in a postal address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line. Common use are secondary house number in a complex or in a building.

Example value: Purchasing

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Køge

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: 4600

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CountrySubentity

Country subdivision
For specifying a region, county, state, province etc. within a country by using text.

Example value: Region Hovedstaden

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:AddressLine

Address line

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Line

Address line 3
An additional address line in an address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line.

Example value: 3rd Floor, Room 5

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:Country


0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: DK

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:LocationCoordinate

Location coordinate
To specify the coordinates.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CoordinateSystemCode

Coordinate system code
Always "EPSG:3857" by definition.

Example value: EPSG:3857

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:LatitudeDegreesMeasure

Latitude degrees
The X coordinate. Use degrees with decimals.

Example value: 59.331660358041425

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Latitude degrees unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the latitude degrees.

Example value: DD

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:LongitudeDegreesMeasure

Longitude degrees
The Y coordinate. Use degrees with decimals.

Example value: 18.063363084988005

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Longitude degrees unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the longitude degrees.

Example value: DD

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:AltitudeMeasure

The Z coordinate.

Example value: 12.5

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Altitude unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to altitude.

Example value: MTR

1..1 •   •   •   cac:Period

The period within the pickup event takes place.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:StartDate

Period start date
The start date for the pickup event.

Example value: 2021-09-29

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:StartTime

Period start time
The start time for the pickup event.

Example value: 08:00:00+01:00

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:EndDate

Period end date
The end date for the pickup event.

Example value: 2021-09-29

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:EndTime

Period end time
The end time for the pickup event.

Example value: 10:00:00+01:00

1..1 •   •   cac:PlannedDeliveryTransportEvent

Requested delivery transport event
The delivery of this consignment requested by the party requesting a transportation service (the transport user).

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationID

Identifier delivery transport event
An identifier for this delivery transport event within an agreed event identification scheme.

Example value: 625435485674654132

1..1 •   •   •   cac:Location

Location of requested delivery
The location of the requested delivery.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Identity of the delivery location
Identifies the delivery location.

Example value: 5790000435951

O •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Name of the delivery location
The name of the delivery location.

Example value: DHL Københavns lufthavn

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Address

Address of the location
Location Address.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Kystvejen 24

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:AdditionalStreetName

Address line 2
An additional address line in a postal address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line. Common use are secondary house number in a complex or in a building.

Example value: Ved lufthavnen

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Kastrup

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: 2770

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CountrySubentity

Country subdivision
For specifying a region, county, state, province etc. within a country by using text.

Example value: Region Hovedstaden

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:AddressLine

Address line

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Line

Address line 3
An additional address line in an address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line.

Example value: 3rd Floor, Room 5

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:Country


0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: DK

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:LocationCoordinate

Location coordinate
To specify the coordinates.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CoordinateSystemCode

Coordinate system code
Always "EPSG:3857" by definition.

Example value: EPSG:3857

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:LatitudeDegreesMeasure

Latitude degrees
The X coordinate. Use degrees with decimals.

Example value: 59.331660358041425

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Latitude degrees unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the latitude degrees.

Example value: DD

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:LongitudeDegreesMeasure

Longitude degrees
The Y coordinate. Use degrees with decimals.

Example value: 18.063363084988005

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Longitude degrees unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the longitude degrees.

Example value: DD

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:AltitudeMeasure

The Z coordinate.

Example value: 12.5

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Altitude unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to altitude.

Example value: MTR

1..1 •   •   •   cac:Period

The period within the delivery event takes place.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:StartDate

Period start date
The start date for the delivery event.

Example value: 2021-09-29

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:StartTime

Period start time
The start time for the delivery event.

Example value: 10:00:00+01:00

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:EndDate

Period end date
The end date for the delivery event.

Example value: 2021-09-29

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:EndTime

Period end time
The end time for the delivery event.

Example value: 11:00:00+01:00

1..1 •   •   cac:ConsigneeParty

Consignee party
The party responsible for receiving the goods in the transport execution plan.

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PartyName

Party name

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Consignee party name
The name of the consignee party.

Example value: HUS Hospital

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PostalAddress

Postal address
The postal address of the Consignee

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Topeliuksenkatu 5

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Helsinki

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: 00260

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Country


1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: FI

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PartyLegalEntity

Party legal entity

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:RegistrationName

Consignee party name
The name of the consignee party.

Example value: HUS Hospital

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:CompanyID

Consignee parties legal registration name
The official name of the party as registered with the relevant fiscal authority.

Example value: 1567535-0

M •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
The identification scheme identifier of the consinee parties legal registration identifier

Example value: 0212

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:RegistrationAddress

Legal address

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

City name
The name of the city.

Example value: Helsinki

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:Country

The residens country for the sender party.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: FI

0..1 •   •   •   cac:Contact

The contact of the consignee party.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Contact name
The contact name.

Example value: Mr Sender

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Telephone

Contact telephone number
The phone number of the contact.

Example value: 0158 1233714

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ElectronicMail

Contact email address
The electronic mail of the contact.

Example value:

1..1 •   •   cac:ConsignorParty

Consignor Party
The party responsible for sending the goods in the transport execution plan.

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PartyName

Party name

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Consignor party name
The name of the consignor party.

Example value: Novo Nordisk Pharmatech A/S

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PostalAddress

Postal address
The postal address of the consignor party.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Københavnsvej 216

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Køge

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: 4600

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Country


1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: DK

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PartyLegalEntity

Party legal entity

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:RegistrationName

Consignor party name
The name of the consignor party.

Example value: Novo Nordisk Pharmatech A/S

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:CompanyID

Consignor parties legal registration name
The official name of the party as registered with the relevant fiscal authority.

Example value: 13246149

M •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
The identification scheme identifier of the consignor legal registration identifier

Example value: 0198

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:RegistrationAddress

Legal address

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

City name
The name of the city.

Example value: Køge

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:Country

The residens country for the consignor party.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: DK

0..1 •   •   •   cac:Contact

The contact of the consignor party.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Contact name
The contact name.

Example value: Mr Sender

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Telephone

Contact telephone number
The phone number of the contact.

Example value: 0158 1233714

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ElectronicMail

Contact email address
The electronic mail of the contact.

Example value:

0..1 •   •   cac:OriginalDepartureCountry

Original departure country
The country from which the goods in this consignment were originally exported, without any commercial transaction taking place in intermediate countries.

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: DK

0..1 •   •   cac:FinalDestinationCountry

Final destination country
The country in which the goods in this consignment are to be delivered to the final consignee or buyer.

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: FI

0..1 •   •   cac:DeliveryTerms

Delivery terms
The conditions agreed upon between a seller and a buyer with regard to the delivery of goods and/or services (e.g., CIF, FOB, or EXW from the INCOTERMS Terms of Delivery).

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:ID

Delivery terms identification
Delivery terms code (Inco terms).

Example value: DAP

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:SpecialTerms

Special terms
Special delivery terms that exceeds the inco terms.

Example value: DAP

1..1 •   •   •   cac:Location

Location of attchaed to the delivery terms
The location where the pickup takes place.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Identity of the location
Identifies the location.

Example value: 5790000435951

O •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Name of the location
The name of the location.

Example value: CPH

0..1 •   •   cac:PaymentTerms

Payment terms
The terms of payment between the parties (such as logistics service client, logistics service provider) in a transaction.

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:ID

Payment terms identification
An identifier for this set of payment terms.

Example value: DAP

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:Note

Payment terms note
A free text describing this set of payment terms.

Example value: To be paid on invoice

0..n •   •   cac:FreightAllowanceCharge

Freight Allowance Charge
A cost incurred by the shipper in moving goods, by whatever means, from one place to another under the terms of the contract of carriage for this consignment. In addition to transport costs, this may include such elements as packing, documentation, loading, unloading, and insurance to the extent that they relate to the freight costs.

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:ChargeIndicator

An indicator that this AllowanceCharge describes a charge (true) or a discount (false).

Example value: true

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:AllowanceChargeReasonCode

Allowance Charge Reason Code
A code signifying this freight allowance or charge.

Example value: 1

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:Amount

The amount for this allowance or charge.

Example value: 100

1..1 •   •   cac:MainCarriageShipmentStage

Main carriage shipment stage
The shipment stage during main carriage.

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:TransportModeCode

Transport mode code
A code signifying the method of transport used for this shipment stage.

Example value: 4

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:HazardousRiskIndicator

Hazardous risk indicator
An indication that the transported goods in this consignment are subject to an international regulation concerning the carriage of dangerous goods (true) or not (false).

Example value: false

0..1 •   •   •   cac:CarrierParty

Carrier party
The carrier party responsible for this shipment stage.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:PartyName

Party name

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Carrier party name
The name of the carrier party.

Example value: Finnair Oyj

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:PostalAddress

Postal address
The postal address of the carrier.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Tietotie 9

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Vantaa

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: 4600

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:Country


1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: FI

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:PartyLegalEntity

Party legal entity

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:RegistrationName

Carrier party name
The name of the carrier party.

Example value: Leman

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CompanyID

Carrier parties legal registration name
The official name of the party as registered with the relevant fiscal authority.

Example value: 0108023-3

M •   •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
The identification scheme identifier of the carrier legal registration identifier

Example value: 0212

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:RegistrationAddress

Legal address

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

City name
The name of the city.

Example value: Vantaa

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cac:Country

The residens country for the carrier party.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: FI

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PlannedDepartureTransportEvent

Requested departure transport event
The departure requested by the party requesting a transportation service.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationID

Identifier departure transport event
An identifier for this departure transport event within an agreed event identification scheme.

Example value: 6522956526554654

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Location

Shipment departure location
The location where the departure of this shipment stage takes place.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Identity of the delivery location
Identifies the delivery location.

Example value: 5790000435951

O •   •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Name of the consignee
The name of the consignee.

Example value: Name

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:Address

The adress of the loaction
Postal Address.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Avon Way

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:AdditionalStreetName

Address line 2
An additional address line in a postal address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line. Common use are secondary house number in a complex or in a building.

Example value: Purchasing

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Bridgtow

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: ZZ99 1ZZ

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CountrySubentity

Country subdivision
For specifying a region, county, state, province etc. within a country by using text.

Example value: Avon

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cac:AddressLine

Address line

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Line

Address line 3
An additional address line in an address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line.

Example value: 3rd Floor, Room 5

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cac:Country


1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: GB

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cac:LocationCoordinate

Location coordinate
To specify the coordinates.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CoordinateSystemCode

Coordinate system code
Always "EPSG:3857" by definition.

Example value: EPSG:3857

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:LatitudeDegreesMeasure

Latitude degrees
The X coordinate. Use degrees with decimals.

Example value: 59.331660358041425

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Latitude degrees unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the latitude degrees.

Example value: DD

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:LongitudeDegreesMeasure

Longitude degrees
The Y coordinate. Use degrees with decimals.

Example value: 18.063363084988005

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Longitude degrees unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the longitude degrees.

Example value: DD

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:AltitudeMeasure

The Z coordinate.

Example value: 12.5

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Altitude unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to altitude.

Example value: MTR

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Period

The period within the departure of this shipment stage takes place.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StartDate

Period start date
The start date for the period.

Example value: 2021-09-29

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StartTime

Period start time
The start time for the period.

Example value: 15:00:00+01:00

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:EndDate

Period end date
The end date for the period.

Example value: 2021-09-29

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:EndTime

Period end time
The end time for the period.

Example value: 16:50:00+01:00

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PlannedArrivalTransportEvent

Estimated arrival transport event
The arrival requested by the party requesting a transportation service.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationID

Identifier arrival transport event
An identifier for this arrival transport event within an agreed event identification scheme.

Example value: 54354684732168476514

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Location

Arrival location
The location where the arrival takes place.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Identity of the delivery location
Identifies the delivery location.

Example value: 5790000435951

O •   •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Name of arrival location
The name of the location.

Example value: Finnair Cargo terminal

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:Address

Address of the arrival location
The address of the arrival location.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Turbiinitie 4

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Vantaa

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: 01530

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cac:Country


1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: FI

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Period

The period within the arrival of this shipment stage takes place.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StartDate

Period start date
The start date for the period.

Example value: 2021-09-29

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StartTime

Period start time
The start time for the period.

Example value: 15:00:00+01:00

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:EndDate

Period end date
The end date for the period.

Example value: 2021-09-29

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:EndTime

Period end time
The end time for the period.

Example value: 16:50:00+01:00

0..n •   •   cac:PreCarriageShipmentStage

Pre carriage shipment stage
A shipment stage during precarriage (usually refers to movement activity that takes place prior to the container being loaded at a port of loading).

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:TransportModeCode

Transport mode code
A code signifying the method of transport used for this shipment stage.

Example value: 4

0..1 •   •   •   cac:CarrierParty

Carrier party
The party providing the transport of goods in this consignment between named points.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:PartyName

Party name

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Carrier party name
The name of the carrier party.

Example value: DHL Express

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:PostalAddress

Postal address
The postal address of the carrier party.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Jydekrogen 14

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Vallensbæk Landsby

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: 2625

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:Country


1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: DK

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:PartyLegalEntity

Party legal entity

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:RegistrationName

Carrier party name
The name of the carrier party.

Example value: DHL Express

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CompanyID

Carrier parties legal registration name
The official name of the party as registered with the relevant fiscal authority.

Example value: 10154596

M •   •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
The identification scheme identifier of the carrier legal registration identifier

Example value: 0198

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:RegistrationAddress

Legal address

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

City name
The name of the city.

Example value: Vallensbæk Landsby

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cac:Country

The residens country for the carrier party.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: DK

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PlannedDepartureTransportEvent

Requested departure transport event
The departure requested by the party requesting a transportation service.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationID

Identifier departure transport event
An identifier for this departure transport event within an agreed event identification scheme.

Example value: 6522956526554654

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Location

Shipment departure location
The location where the departure of this shipment stage takes place.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Identity of the delivery location
Identifies the delivery location.

Example value: 5790000435951

O •   •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Name of the consignee
The name of the consignee.

Example value: Name

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:Address

The adress of the loaction
Postal Address.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Avon Way

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:AdditionalStreetName

Address line 2
An additional address line in a postal address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line. Common use are secondary house number in a complex or in a building.

Example value: Purchasing

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Bridgtow

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: ZZ99 1ZZ

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CountrySubentity

Country subdivision
For specifying a region, county, state, province etc. within a country by using text.

Example value: Avon

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cac:AddressLine

Address line

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Line

Address line 3
An additional address line in an address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line.

Example value: 3rd Floor, Room 5

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cac:Country


1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: GB

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cac:LocationCoordinate

Location coordinate
To specify the coordinates.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CoordinateSystemCode

Coordinate system code
Always "EPSG:3857" by definition.

Example value: EPSG:3857

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:LatitudeDegreesMeasure

Latitude degrees
The X coordinate. Use degrees with decimals.

Example value: 59.331660358041425

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Latitude degrees unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the latitude degrees.

Example value: DD

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:LongitudeDegreesMeasure

Longitude degrees
The Y coordinate. Use degrees with decimals.

Example value: 18.063363084988005

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Longitude degrees unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the longitude degrees.

Example value: DD

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:AltitudeMeasure

The Z coordinate.

Example value: 12.5

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Altitude unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to altitude.

Example value: MTR

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Period

The period within the departure of this shipment stage takes place.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StartDate

Period start date
The start date for the period.

Example value: 2021-09-29

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StartTime

Period start time
The start time for the period.

Example value: 15:00:00+01:00

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:EndDate

Period end date
The end date for the period.

Example value: 2021-09-29

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:EndTime

Period end time
The end time for the period.

Example value: 16:50:00+01:00

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PlannedArrivalTransportEvent

Estimated arrival transport event
The arrival requested by the party requesting a transportation service.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationID

Identifier arrival transport event
An identifier for this arrival transport event within an agreed event identification scheme.

Example value: 54354684732168476514

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Location

Arrival location
The location where the arrival takes place.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Identity of the delivery location
Identifies the delivery location.

Example value: 5790000435951

O •   •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Name of arrival location
The name of the location.

Example value: Finnair Cargo terminal

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:Address

Address of the arrival location
The address of the arrival location.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Turbiinitie 4

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Vantaa

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: 01530

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cac:Country


1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: FI

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Period

The period within the arrival of this shipment stage takes place.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StartDate

Period start date
The start date for the period.

Example value: 2021-09-29

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StartTime

Period start time
The start time for the period.

Example value: 15:00:00+01:00

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:EndDate

Period end date
The end date for the period.

Example value: 2021-09-29

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:EndTime

Period end time
The end time for the period.

Example value: 16:50:00+01:00

0..n •   •   cac:OnCarriageShipmentStage

On carriage shipment stage
A shipment stage during on-carriage (usually refers to movement activity that takes place after the container is discharged at a port of discharge).

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:TransportModeCode

Transport mode code
A code signifying the method of transport used for this shipment stage.

Example value: 3

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:HazardousRiskIndicator

Hazardous risk indicator
An indication that the transported goods in this consignment are subject to an international regulation concerning the carriage of dangerous goods (true) or not (false).

Example value: false

0..1 •   •   •   cac:CarrierParty

Carrier Party
The party providing the transport of goods in this consignment between named points.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:PartyName

Party name

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Carrier party name
The name of the carrier party.

Example value: DHL Express Finland

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:PostalAddress

Postal address
The postal address of the carrier party.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Tullimiehentie 10

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Vantaa

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: 01530

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:Country


1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: FI

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:PartyLegalEntity

Party legal entity

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:RegistrationName

Carrier party name
The name of the carrier party.

Example value: DHL Express

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CompanyID

Carrier parties legal registration name
The official name of the party as registered with the relevant fiscal authority.

Example value: 10154596

M •   •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
The identification scheme identifier of the carrier legal registration identifier

Example value: 0198

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:RegistrationAddress

Legal address

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

City name
The name of the city.

Example value: Vallensbæk Landsby

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cac:Country

The residens country for the carrier party.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: FI

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PlannedDepartureTransportEvent

Requested departure transport event
The departure requested by the party requesting a transportation service.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationID

Identifier departure transport event
An identifier for this departure transport event within an agreed event identification scheme.

Example value: 6522956526554654

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Location

Shipment departure location
The location where the departure of this shipment stage takes place.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Identity of the delivery location
Identifies the delivery location.

Example value: 5790000435951

O •   •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Name of the consignee
The name of the consignee.

Example value: Name

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:Address

The adress of the loaction
Postal Address.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Avon Way

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:AdditionalStreetName

Address line 2
An additional address line in a postal address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line. Common use are secondary house number in a complex or in a building.

Example value: Purchasing

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Bridgtow

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: ZZ99 1ZZ

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CountrySubentity

Country subdivision
For specifying a region, county, state, province etc. within a country by using text.

Example value: Avon

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cac:AddressLine

Address line

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Line

Address line 3
An additional address line in an address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line.

Example value: 3rd Floor, Room 5

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cac:Country


1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: GB

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cac:LocationCoordinate

Location coordinate
To specify the coordinates.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CoordinateSystemCode

Coordinate system code
Always "EPSG:3857" by definition.

Example value: EPSG:3857

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:LatitudeDegreesMeasure

Latitude degrees
The X coordinate. Use degrees with decimals.

Example value: 59.331660358041425

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Latitude degrees unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the latitude degrees.

Example value: DD

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:LongitudeDegreesMeasure

Longitude degrees
The Y coordinate. Use degrees with decimals.

Example value: 18.063363084988005

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Longitude degrees unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the longitude degrees.

Example value: DD

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:AltitudeMeasure

The Z coordinate.

Example value: 12.5

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Altitude unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to altitude.

Example value: MTR

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Period

The period within the departure of this shipment stage takes place.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StartDate

Period start date
The start date for the period.

Example value: 2021-09-29

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StartTime

Period start time
The start time for the period.

Example value: 15:00:00+01:00

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:EndDate

Period end date
The end date for the period.

Example value: 2021-09-29

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:EndTime

Period end time
The end time for the period.

Example value: 16:50:00+01:00

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PlannedArrivalTransportEvent

Estimated arrival transport event
The arrival requested by the party requesting a transportation service.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationID

Identifier arrival transport event
An identifier for this arrival transport event within an agreed event identification scheme.

Example value: 54354684732168476514

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Location

Arrival location
The location where the arrival takes place.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Identity of the delivery location
Identifies the delivery location.

Example value: 5790000435951

O •   •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Name of arrival location
The name of the location.

Example value: Finnair Cargo terminal

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:Address

Address of the arrival location
The address of the arrival location.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Turbiinitie 4

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Vantaa

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: 01530

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cac:Country


1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: FI

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Period

The period within the arrival of this shipment stage takes place.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StartDate

Period start date
The start date for the period.

Example value: 2021-09-29

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StartTime

Period start time
The start time for the period.

Example value: 15:00:00+01:00

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:EndDate

Period end date
The end date for the period.

Example value: 2021-09-29

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:EndTime

Period end time
The end time for the period.

Example value: 16:50:00+01:00

0..n •   •   cac:TransportHandlingUnit

Transport handling unit
Used to specify how the goods is packed.

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:ID

Identifier transport handling unit
The SSCC identification code of this Transport Handling Unit.

Example value: 11111222222222

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:TransportHandlingUnitTypeCode

Handling unit type code
Type of Transport Handling Unit. Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 with addition of the codes used by "Retursystem Byggpall".

Example value: AG

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:HandlingCode

Handling Code
The handling for this transporthandling unit expressed as a code

Example value: CCC

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:HandlingInstructions

Handling instructions
The handling for this transporthandling unit expressed as a text

Example value: To be set vertical

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:HazardousRiskIndicator

Handling unit hazardous indicator
An indicator that the materials contained in this transport handling unit are subject to an international regulation concerning the carriage of dangerous goods (true) or not (false).

Example value: false

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:ShippingMarks

Shipping marks
Free-form description of the marks and numbers on this transport handling unit.

Example value: Keep dry

0..n •   •   •   cac:TransportEquipment

Transport equipment
Used to specify Transport Equipment details associated with this Transport Handling Unit.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Identifier transport equipment
An id for the physical transport equipment e.g. a container number.

Example value: 34563444

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:TransportEquipmentTypeCode

Tranport equipment type code
An code specifying the type of equipment.

Example value: CN

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:SizeTypeCode

Size type code
A code signifying the size and type of this piece of piece of transport equipment. When the piece of transport equipment is a shipping container, it is recommended to use ContainerSizeTypeCode for validation.

Example value: 10

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:RefrigerationOnIndicator

Indicator refrigeration transport equipment
An indicator that this piece of transport equipment's refrigeration is on (true) or off (false).

Example value: true

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Description

Description transport equipment
A textual description of the transport equipment.

Example value: A 20 foot refrigerated container that is not actively controlling temperature of the product.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:PowerIndicator

Power indicator transport equipment
An indicator that this piece of transport equipment can supply power (true) or not (false).

Example value: true

0..n •   •   •   cac:MeasurementDimension

Measurement dimension
Used to specify any measurement of the Transport Handling Unit.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:AttributeID

Attribute identifier
To describe the type of measurement. Use UNCL 6313 subset.

Example value: LN

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Measure

For the measure. Use UN/ECE Recommendation 20 and 21.subset.

Example value: 123

M •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Measure unit of measure

Example value: MTR

0..1 •   •   •   cac:MinimumTemperature

Minimum temperature
Used to specify the minimal temperature for the transport handling unit under the transport.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:AttributeID

Attribute identifier
To describe the type of messure that in this context is the minimal temperature.

Example value: TC

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Measure

The value of the minimal temperature measurement.

Example value: -21

M •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Measure unit of measure

Example value: CEL

0..1 •   •   •   cac:MaximumTemperature

Maximum temperature
Used to specify the maximum temperature for the transport handling unit under the transport.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:AttributeID

Attribute identifier
To describe the type of messure that in this context is the maximal temperature.

Example value: TC

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Measure

The value of the maximum temperature measurement.

Example value: -21

M •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Measure unit of measure

Example value: CEL

0..n •   •   •   cac:GoodsItem

Goods item
A Goods item contained in the transport handling unit.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Identifiser goods item
An identifier for this goods item.

Example value: 10

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Desciption

A textual descript this goods item.

Example value: Torsk sl u/h fersk fulliset 20kg iso 2-4 kg

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:HazardousRiskIndicator

Hazardous risk indicator
An indication that the transported goods item is subject to an international regulation concerning the carriage of dangerous goods (true) or not (false).

Example value: false

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Quantity

The number of units making up this goods item.

Example value: 6

M •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Quantity unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the quantity.

Example value: EA

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Item

Description of the product beeing transported.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

The name of the Item.

Example value: Torsk

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:SellersItemIdentification

Sellers Identification
The identification of the product

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

The product ID

Example value: 17589683

0..n •   •   •   •   •   cac:CommodityClassification

Commodity classification
To classify when an item number is not sufficient.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ItemClassificationCode

Item classification code

Example value: KO2012140200

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @listID

The identification scheme identifier of the Item classification identifier.

Example value: ZZZ

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @listVersionID

Example value: 3.0.2

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @name

Example value: SBMI

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:HazardousItem

Hazardous Item
Description of hazardous item.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:UNDGCode

The UN code for this kind of hazardous item.

Example value: ADR

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:HazardClassID

The UN code for this kind of hazardous item.

Example value: 2

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:NetWeightMeasure

The net weight for the item. Use if the Hazard class ID requires it

Example value: 40.8

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Latitude degrees unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the latitude degrees.

Example value: KGM