A shipment stage during precarriage (usually refers to movement activity that takes place prior to the container being loaded at a port of loading).

cac urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2
Child elements
Card Name Description
1..1 cbc:TransportModeCode

Transport mode code
A code signifying the method of transport used for this shipment stage.

Example value: 4

0..1 cac:CarrierParty

Carrier party
The party providing the transport of goods in this consignment between named points.

0..1 cac:PlannedDepartureTransportEvent

Requested departure transport event
The departure requested by the party requesting a transportation service.

0..1 cac:PlannedArrivalTransportEvent

Estimated arrival transport event
The arrival requested by the party requesting a transportation service.

Identifier/Error message Flag
Element 'cbc:TransportModeCode' MUST be provided.
Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model.