Card Name Description
1..1 ubl:DespatchAdvice  
1..1 •   cbc:CustomizationID

Specification identification
Identifies the specification of content and rules that apply to the transaction.

Example value:

1..1 •   cbc:ProfileID

Business process type identifier
Identifies the BII profile or business process context in which the transaction appears. There are two ProfileIDs defined for the Advanced Despatch Advice. One profile is used when the receiver of the Despatch Advice is expected to return a response message, the other is used when no response message is used. Possible choices are: "" and ""

Example value:

1..1 •   cbc:ID

Document identifier
An transaction instance must contain an identifier. The identifier enables positive referencing the document instance for various purposes including referencing between transactions that are part of the same process.

Example value: 5658999

1..1 •   cbc:IssueDate

Dispatch advice issue date
The date when the advanced despatch advice is issued. Format = "YYYY-MM-DD".

Example value: 2021-09-10

0..1 •   cbc:IssueTime

Dispatch advice issue time
The time when the advanced despatch advice is issued. Format = "hh:mm:ss".

Example value: 12:00:00

0..1 •   cbc:DocumentStatusCode

Despatch advice status code
A code signifying the status of the Despatch Advice. Default is Original (9)

Example value: 9

0..1 •   cbc:DespatchAdviceTypeCode

Despatch advice type code
A code signifying the type of the Despatch Advice. Default is Advice of despatch of goods (1)

Example value: 1

0..1 •   cbc:Note

Dispatch note
A textual note for the dispatch as whole. Used for Transport Information.

Example value: Text

0..n •   cac:OrderReference

Order reference information

1..1 •   •   cbc:ID

Order reference
Used to provide a reference to the order on which the despatch is based.

Example value: AEG0123456

0..n •   cac:AdditionalDocumentReference

Additional document reference
Reference to additional documents relevant for this Despatch advice. Can be used for additional BEAst information on header level.

1..1 •   •   cbc:ID

Identity of the reference
The reference number of added document

Example value: 7648779

0..1 •   •   cbc:DocumentTypeCode

Document type code
The type of reference. Must me part of UNCL1001

Example value: 380

0..1 •   •   cbc:DocumentType

Document type
The type of reference that cannot be specified by a code

Example value: BEAST:FreightPayersCustomerNumber

0..1 •   •   cac:Attachment

Group to describe an attached document. An attachment can refer to an external document or be included with the document being exchanged.

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject

Embedded binary object
The referenced document can here be inserted as a binary object.

Example value: aHR0cHM6Ly90ZXN0LXZlZmEuZGlmaS5uby9wZXBwb2xiaXMvcG9hY2MvYmlsbGluZy8zLjAvYmlzLw==

M •   •   •   •   @mimeCode

Attached document Mime code
The mime code of the attached document.

Example value: application/pdf

M •   •   •   •   @filename

Attached document filename
The file name of the attached document

Example value: Hours-spent.pdf

0..1 •   •   •   cac:ExternalReference

External reference
A reference to an attached document that is external to the document(s) being exchanged.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:URI

Address to internet resource
The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies the external object as an Internet resource.

Example value:

1..1 •   cac:DespatchSupplierParty

Despatching party information
The Despatch Party is the person or organization who provides (despatch) the goods or services. It also defines the sender of the Advanced Despatch Advice. The role is carried out by the supplier or on behalf of the supplier. The real ship-from address must be provided in the Despatch Address when the Advanced Despatch Advice describes a movement.

1..1 •   •   cac:Party

Party information

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:EndpointID

Despatch party electronic address
Identifies the despatch party's electronic address

Example value: 7300010000001

M •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
Scheme identifier for electronic address

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PartyIdentification

Party identification

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Despatching party identifier
The identifier of the despatching party

Example value: 7300010000001

o •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
Scheme identifier for party identification

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PartyName

Party Name
The name of the Despatch Supplier Party.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Name of the fuel supplier
The Despatch Supplier.

Example value: Sender inc.

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PostalAddress

Postal address
Postal address of the depatching party

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Busy Street

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:AdditionalStreetName

Address line 2
An additional address line in a postal address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line. Common use are secondary house number in a complex or in a building.

Example value: way 1

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Farthing

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: AA99 1BB

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:CountrySubentity

Country subdivision
For specifying a region, county, state, province etc. within a country by using text.

Example value: Heremouthshire

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:AddressLine

Address Line

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Line

Address line 3
An additional address line in an address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line.

Example value: The Roundabout

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Country


1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country.The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: GB

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PartyTaxScheme

Party tax scheme
The tax information about the Despatch Party.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:CompanyID

Company ID
The Despatch Party Value Added Tax identifer.

Example value: GB325456788

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:TaxScheme

Tax scheme

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Tax scheme identifier
Tax scheme identifier. E.g. "VAT" or "GST".

Example value: VAT

1..1 •   •   •   cac:PartyLegalEntity

Party Name

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:RegistrationName

Dispatching party name
The name of the dispatching party

Example value: Consortial

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:CompanyID

Despatch supplier parties legal registration name
The official name of the party as registered with the relevant fiscal authority.

Example value: SC234567

M •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
The identification scheme identifier of the despatch supplier legal registration identifier

Example value: 0089

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:RegistrationAddress

Legal address

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

City name
The name of the city.

Example value: Farthing

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:Country

The residens country for the despatch party.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
Country Code

Example value: UK

0..1 •   •   •   cac:Contact

The contact of the Despatch supplier party.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Contact name
The contact name.

Example value: Mrs Bouquet

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Telephone

Contact email telephone
The phone number of the contact.

Example value: 0158 1233714

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ElectronicMail

Contact email address
The electronic mail of the contact.

Example value:

1..1 •   cac:DeliveryCustomerParty

Consignee information
The Consignee is the person or organization to which the products will be shipped and who is taking possession. It also defines the receiver of the Advanced Despatch Advice. The role is carried out by the customer or on behalf of the customer. The real ship-to address must be provided in the delivery location if the Advanced Despatch Advice describes a movement. If the Despatch address describes a service provided at a specific location, the Delivery Location contains this location.

1..1 •   •   cac:Party

Party information

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:EndpointID

Consignee party electronic address
Identifies the consignee party's electronic address

Example value: 5798000000124

M •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
Scheme identifier for electronic address

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PartyIdentification

Party identification

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Consignee party identifier
The receiving party identifier.

Example value: 5790000435951

o •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
Scheme identifier for party identification

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PartyName

Party name
The name of the Delivery Customer Party.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Name of the fuel supplier
The Despatch Supplier.

Example value: Sender inc.

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PostalAddress

Postal address
Postal address of the consignee

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Avon Way

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:AdditionalStreetName

Address line 2
An additional address line in a postal address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line. Common use are secondary house number in a complex or in a building.

Example value: Big projects

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Bridgtown

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: ZZ99 1ZZ

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:CountrySubentity

Country subdivision
For specifying a region, county, state, province etc. within a country by using text.

Example value: Avon

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:AddressLine

Address Line

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Line

Address line 3
An additional address line in an address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line.

Example value: 3rd Floor, Room 5

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Country


1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country.The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: GB

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PartyTaxScheme

Party tax scheme
The tax information about the Delivery Party.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:CompanyID

Company ID
The Delivery Party Value Added Tax identifer.

Example value: GB523859989

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:TaxScheme

Tax scheme

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Tax scheme identifier
Tax scheme identifier. E.g. "VAT" or "GST".

Example value: VAT

1..1 •   •   •   cac:PartyLegalEntity

Party name

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:RegistrationName

Consignee party name
The name of the receiving party.

Example value: Sender inc.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:CompanyID

Delivery customers parties legal registration name
The official name of the party as registered with the relevant fiscal authority.

Example value: GB523859989

M •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
The identification scheme identifier of the despatch customer legal registration identifier

Example value: 0089

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:RegistrationAddress

Legal address

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

City name
The name of the city.

Example value: Bridgtown

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:Country

The residens country for the delivery customer party.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Contry code

Example value: UK

0..1 •   •   •   cac:Contact

Contact person name
The contact of the Delivery customer party.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Contact name
The contact name.

Example value: Mrs Bouquet

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Telephone

Contact telephone number
The phone number of the contact.

Example value: 0158 1233714

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ElectronicMail

Contact email address
The electronic mail of the contact.

Example value:

0..1 •   •   cac:DeliveryContact

Contact information

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:Name

Contact person name
The name of the contact person.

Example value: Mr Fred Churchill

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:Telephone

Contact telephone number
A phone number for the contact person. If the person has a direct number, this is that number.

Example value: 0127 2653214

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:ElectronicMail

Contact email address
The e-mail address for the contact person. If the person has a direct e-mail this is that email.

Example value:

0..1 •   cac:BuyerCustomerParty

The buyer is the legal person or organization who buys or purchases the goods or services. The role is carried out by the customer or on behalf of the customer.

1..1 •   •   cac:Party

Party information

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PartyIdentification

Party identification

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Buying party identifier
The buying party identifier

Example value: 5790000435951

O •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
Scheme identifier for party identification

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PartyName

Party name

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Buying party name
The name of the buying party

Example value: IYT Corporation

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PostalAddress

Postal address
Postal address of the customer

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Avon Way

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:AdditionalStreetName

Address line 2
An additional address line in a postal address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line. Common use are secondary house number in a complex or in a building.

Example value: Purchasing

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Bridgtow

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: ZZ99 1ZZ

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:CountrySubentity

Country subdivision
For specifying a region, county, state, province etc. within a country by using text.

Example value: Avon

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:AddressLine

Address Line

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Line

Address line 3
An additional address line in an address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line.

Example value: 3rd Floor, Room 5

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Country


1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country.The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: GB

0..1 •   cac:SellerSupplierParty

The seller is the legal person or organization who sells goods or services to the customer. The role is carried out by the supplier or on behalf of the supplier.

1..1 •   •   cac:Party

Party information

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PartyIdentification

Party identification

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Selling party identifier
An identifier for the seller party.

Example value: 5790000435951

O •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
Scheme identifier for party identification

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PartyName

Party name

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Selling party name
The seller party name.

Example value: IYT Corporation

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PostalAddress

Postal address
Postal address of the supplier

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Avon Way

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:AdditionalStreetName

Address line 2
An additional address line in a postal address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line. Common use are secondary house number in a complex or in a building.

Example value: Sales

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Bridgtow

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: ZZ99 1ZZ

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:CountrySubentity

Country subdivision
For specifying a region, county, state, province etc. within a country by using text.

Example value: Avon

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:AddressLine

Address Line

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Line

Address line 3
An additional address line in an address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line.

Example value: 3rd Floor, Room 5

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Country


1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country.The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: GB

0..1 •   cac:OriginatorCustomerParty

Originator customer party
For 3PL shipments, this party defines the final receiver of the goods.

1..1 •   •   cac:Party

Party information

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PartyIdentification

Party identification

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Originating party identifier
The originator party identifier.

Example value: 5790000435951

O •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
Scheme identifier for party identification

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PartyName

Party name

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Originating party name
The originator party name.

Example value: IYT Corporation

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PostalAddress

Postal address
Postal address of the originator

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Avon Way

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:AdditionalStreetName

Address line 2
An additional address line in a postal address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line. Common use are secondary house number in a complex or in a building.

Example value: way 2

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Bridgtow

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: ZZ99 1ZZ

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:CountrySubentity

Country subdivision
For specifying a region, county, state, province etc. within a country by using text.

Example value: Avon

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:AddressLine

Address Line

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Line

Address line 3
An additional address line in an address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line.

Example value: 3rd Floor, Room 5

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Country


1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country.The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: GB

0..1 •   cac:Shipment

Shipment information

1..1 •   •   cbc:ID

Shipment identifier
Identifies a shipment. Freight forwarders reference number.

Example value: 1

0..1 •   •   cbc:Information

Shipment description
Used by Logistics for Supplier Remark.

Example value: text

0..1 •   •   cbc:GrossWeightMeasure

Shipment gross weight
The gross weight of the despatch as a whole. Must be equal the the weight specified for the included transport handling unites if this is specified

Example value: 1030

M •   •   •   @unitCode

Shipment quantity unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the shipment quantity.

Example value: KGM

0..1 •   •   cbc:GrossVolumeMeasure

Shipment gross volume
The gross volumen of the despatch as a whole. Must be greather or equal the the volumen specified for the included transport handling unites if this is specified

Example value: 1.456

M •   •   •   @unitCode

Shipment volume unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the shipment volume.

Example value: MTQ

0..1 •   •   cbc:TotalTransportHandlingUnitQuantity

Total number of transport handling units

Example value: 1

0..1 •   •   cbc:DeclaredStatisticsValueAmount

Declared statistics value amount
The total declared value for customs purposes of those goods in this shipment that are subject to the same customs procedure and have the same tariff/statistical heading, country information, and duty regime.

Example value: 92179.12

M •   •   •   @currencyID

Currency identifier
Currency identifier.

Example value: SEK

0..1 •   •   cac:Consignment

Consignment information

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:ID

Consignment identifier
Use a dummy value since this element is mandatory.

Example value: NA

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:HazardousRiskIndicator

Hazardous risk indicator
An indication that the transported goods in this consignment are subject to an international regulation concerning the carriage of dangerous goods (true) or not (false).

Example value: false

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:HandlingCode

Handling code
The handling required for this shipment, expressed as a code. Use TRED4079, BeastHandlingCode or an another code id as listID.

Example value: 1

O •   •   •   •   @listID

Identifier for codelist for handling code
An identifier for the codelist used for the handling code

Example value: TRED4079

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:HandlingInstructions

Handling instructions
The handling required for this consignment, expressed as text.

Example value: Keep the Container Carefully Closed

0..1 •   •   •   cac:CarrierParty

Carrier party

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:PartyIdentification

Party identification
This party defines the company providing the transport service

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Carrying party identifier
Identifies the Carrier party.

Example value: 5790000435951

O •   •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
Scheme identifier for party identification

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:PartyName

Party name

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Carrier name
The name of the carrier that handles the delivery of the dispatched shipment.

Example value: Name

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Person

Information about the driver

1..n •   •   •   •   •   cac:IdentityDocumentReference

Person identity document reference

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Driver information
Identification about the driver of the vehicle that delivers the despatched shipment.

Example value: 45642323

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:DocumentType

Driver identification document type
The type of document used for identifying the driver, expressed in text.

Example value: DriverLicence

0..1 •   •   •   cac:OriginalDespatchTransportationService

Original despatch transportation service
Used to specify Fuel consumption and Environmental Emission.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:TransportServiceCode

Tranport service code
Use "FuelReport" since this element is mandatory.

Example value: FuelReport

0..n •   •   •   •   cac:TransportEquipment

Transport equipment
Used to specify fuel consumption. To be repeated for all fuel types used.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:TransportEquipmentTypeCode

Tranport equipment type code
Used to specify the type of fuel.

Example value: Diesel

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Description

Fuel description.

Example value: Forrest diesel mix

0..n •   •   •   •   •   cac:MeasurementDimension

Fuel measurements
Used to specify information about the fuel and fuel consumption.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:AttributeID

Attribute identifier
To define the type of measurement. EnergyContent = T6428, ConversionFactor = T6429, FuelConsumption = T6374, DrivingDistance = T6380, DrivingTime = T6381, FuelMeasurementMethod = T6728, EngineType = T6379, RenewableFuel = T6382.

Example value: FuelConsumption

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Measure

The measured value. Used for EnergyContent, ConversionFactor, FuelConsumption, DrivingDistance, DrivingTime and RenewableFuel. unitCode refers to T6706.

Example value: 123

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Measure unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the measure.

Example value: KGM

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Description

Attribute value
Description of the attribute when there is no value to measure. Used for FuelMeasurementMethod and EngineType. Possible values are for FuelMeasurementMethod: "AutomaticMeasurement", "StandardEstimate", "ManualMeasurement" and for EngineType: "Euro2", "Euro3", "Euro4", "Euro5", "Euro6", "EuroStep2", "EuroStep3A", "EuroStep3B", "EuroStep4".

Example value: StandardEstimate

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:ProviderParty

Provider party
To define the fuel supplier.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cac:PartyIdentification

Party identification
To identify the fuel supplier.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Identity of the fuel supplier
The fuel supplier.

Example value: 7300010000001

O •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cac:PartyName

Party name
The name of the fuel supplier.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Name of the fuel supplier
The fuel supplier.

Example value: Preem

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:GoodsItem

Goods item
Used to specify the type of fuel.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cac:Item

Used to specify the type of fuel.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cac:SellersItemIdentification

Seller's item identification
Used to specify the type of fuel.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Supplier's identity of the fuel
The fuel article number.

Example value: 123

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cac:StandardItemIdentification

Standard item identification
Only one Standard Item Number can be used. Specify the type of standard in schemeID.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Standard article identity of the fuel
The fuel article number. The schemeID refers to the Article Number Type.

Example value: 1234567891234

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier

Example value: 0160

0..n •   •   •   •   cac:EnvironmentalEmission

Environmental emission
To report the emissions.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:EnvironmentalEmissionTypeCode

Environmental emission type code
Defines the type of emission reported. Values: "CO2" (Carbon Dioxide), NOX (Nitrogen Oxide), PM (Particulate Matter), HC (Hydro Carbon).

Example value: CO2

O •   •   •   •   •   •   @listID

Identifier for codelist for environmental emissions type
An identifier for the codelist used for the environmental emission type code

Example value: UN785

O •   •   •   •   •   •   @name

Name of environmental emissions type

Example value: Carbon Dioxide

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ValueMeasure

Value of measurement
The value of the emission. Refers to Carbon Dioxide/Nitrogen Oxide/Particulate Matter/Hydro Carbon.

Example value: 10

M •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Measure unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to measure.

Example value: MGM

0..1 •   •   cac:ShipmentStage

Shipment stage
The shipment stage for the last mile of the delivery

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:TransportModeCode

Transport mode code
Must be a value in UNECERec19.

Example value: 3

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:TransportMeansTypeCode

Transport means type code
The means of transport used in this shipment stage.

Example value: 31

0..1 •   •   •   cac:TransportMeans

Transport means
A code signifying the type of this means of transport (truck, vessel, etc.) used in this shipment stage.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:AirTransport

Air transport
An aircraft used in this shipment stage.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:AircraftID

Air transport identifier
An identifer for a specific aircraft.

Example value: JA8088

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:RoadTransport

Road transport
Description of a truck or a vehicle transporting the goods. Use only if Transport mode code is set to road transport

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:LicensePlateID

License plate identifier transport
The licence plate(s) identifying the vehicle seperated by semicolon if there are more than one

Example value: DF10958

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:RailTransport

Rail transport
Equipment used for rail transport in this shipment stage.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:TrainID

Train identifier
An identifier for the train used as the means of transport.

Example value: 12014

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:RailCarID

Rail car identifier
An identifier for the rail car on the train used as the means of transport..

Example value: 50 63 20-33 801-5

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:MaritimeTransport

Maritime transport
Description of a truck or a vehicle transporting the goods. Use only if TransportModeCode is set to maritime transport.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:VesselID

Vessel identifier
The registred identifier of the vessel

Example value: wrt34663

0..1 •   •   cac:Delivery

Delivery information

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:ActualDeliveryDate

Actual Delivery Date
The date on which the supply of goods or services was made or completed according to the delivery term. Format = "YYYY-MM-DD"

Example value: 2021-09-26

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:ActualDeliveryTime

Actual Delivery Time
The date on which the supply of goods or services was made or completed according to the delivery term. Format = "hh:mm:ss"

Example value: 10:00:00

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:TrackingID

Delivery tracking identifier
Used to provide a tracking id for delvivery e.g. UPS or postal.

Example value: 456789

0..1 •   •   •   cac:DeliveryLocation

Delivery location
The Delivery Location is used to define the Ship-to when the Delivery Customer Party is not . When the Despatch Advice describes a movement, the Delivery Location should always be included. When the Despatch Advice describes a service given at a location, the Delivery Location describes this location.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Identity of the delivery location
Identifies the delivery location.

Example value: 5790000435951

O •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Name of the delivery location
The name of the delivery location.

Example value: Name

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:Address

Address of the delivery location
The address of the delivery location.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Avon Way

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:AdditionalStreetName

Address line 2
An additional address line in a postal address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line. Common use are secondary house number in a complex or in a building.

Example value: Purchasing

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Bridgtow

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: ZZ99 1ZZ

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CountrySubentity

Country subdivision
For specifying a region, county, state, province etc. within a country by using text.

Example value: Avon

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:AddressLine

Address line

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Line

Address line 3
An additional address line in an address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line.

Example value: 3rd Floor, Room 5

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:Country


0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: GB

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:LocationCoordinate

Location coordinate
To specify the coordinates.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CoordinateSystemCode

Coordinate system code
Always "EPSG:3857" by definition.

Example value: EPSG:3857

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:LatitudeDegreesMeasure

Latitude degrees
The X coordinate. Use degrees with decimals.

Example value: 59.331660358041425

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Latitude degrees unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the latitude degrees.

Example value: DD

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:LongitudeDegreesMeasure

Longitude degrees
The Y coordinate. Use degrees with decimals.

Example value: 18.063363084988005

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Longitude degrees unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the longitude degrees.

Example value: DD

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:AltitudeMeasure

The Z coordinate.

Example value: 12.5

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Altitude unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to altitude.

Example value: MTR

0..1 •   •   •   cac:EstimatedDeliveryPeriod

Estimated delivery period

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:StartDate

Period start date
The start date of the period

Example value: 2021-09-25

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:StartTime

Period start time
The start time of the period.

Example value: 12:00:00

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:EndDate

Period end date
The end date of the period.

Example value: 2021-09-27

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:EndTime

Period end time
The end time of the period.

Example value: 12:00:00

0..1 •   •   •   cac:Despatch

Actual or expected despatch period

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ActualDespatchDate

Shipment dispatch date
The actual or expected date when the shipment was dispatched from the dispatching party.

Example value: 2021-09-25

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ActualDespatchTime

Shipment dispatch time
The actual or expected time when the shipment was dispatched from the dispatching party.

Example value: 13:00:00

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:DespatchAddress

Despatch address
The Despatch Address is used to define the Ship-from when the Despatch Supplier Party is not. When the Despatch Advice describes a movement, the Despatch Address should be included.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

An identifier for the location to which the goods and services are despatched. For example a global location number.

Example value: 34456456456456

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Avon Way

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:AdditionalStreetName

Address line 2
An additional address line in a postal address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line. Common use are secondary house number in a complex or in a building.

Example value: way 2

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Bridgtow

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: ZZ99 1ZZ

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CountrySubentity

Country subdivision
For specifying a region, county, state, province etc. within a country by using text.

Example value: Avon

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:AddressLine

Address Line

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Line

Address line 3
An additional address line in an address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line.

Example value: 3rd Floor, Room 5

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:Country


1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country.The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: GB

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:LocationCoordinate

Location coordinate
To specify the coordinates.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CoordinateSystemCode

Coordinate system code
Always "EPSG:3857" by definition.

Example value: EPSG:3857

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:LatitudeDegreesMeasure

Latitude degrees
The X coordinate. Use degrees with decimals.

Example value: 59.33169866504851

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Latitude degrees unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the latitude degrees.

Example value: DD

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:LongitudeDegreesMeasure

Longitude degrees
The Y coordinate. Use degrees with decimals.

Example value: 18.063330898492403

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Longitude degrees unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the longitude degrees.

Example value: DD

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:AltitudeMeasure

The Z coordinate.

Example value: 12.5

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Altitude unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to altitude.

Example value: MTR

0..1 •   •   •   cac:DeliveryTerms

Delivery terms

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Delivery terms
Delivery terms code (Inco terms).

Example value: EXW

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:SpecialTerms

Special terms
Special delivery terms that exceeds the inco terms.

Example value: EQN-06

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:DeliveryLocation

Delivery terms location

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Delivery terms location
Delivery terms location. The location to which the delivery terms refer. Used to qualify the delivery terms e.g. "Terms of delivery are FOB Rotterdam"

Example value: Kalmar

0..n •   •   cac:TransportHandlingUnit

Transport handling unit
Used to specify how the goods is packed.

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:ID

Identifier transport handling unit
The SSCC identification code of this Transport Handling Unit.

Example value: 11111222222222

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:TransportHandlingUnitTypeCode

Handling unit type code
Type of Transport Handling Unit. Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 with addition of the codes used by "Retursystem Byggpall".

Example value: AG

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:HandlingCode

Handling Code
The handling for this transporthandling unit expressed as a code

Example value: CCC

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:HandlingInstructions

Handling instructions
The handling for this transporthandling unit expressed as a text

Example value: To be set vertical

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:HazardousRiskIndicator

Handling unit hazardous indicator
An indicator that the materials contained in this transport handling unit are subject to an international regulation concerning the carriage of dangerous goods (true) or not (false).

Example value: false

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:ShippingMarks

Shipping marks
Free-form description of the marks and numbers on this transport handling unit.

Example value: Keep dry

0..n •   •   •   cac:TransportEquipment

Transport equipment
Used to specify Transport Equipment details associated with this Transport Handling Unit.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Identifier transport equipment
An id for the physical transport equipment e.g. a container number.

Example value: 34563444

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:TransportEquipmentTypeCode

Tranport equipment type code
An code specifying the type of equipment.

Example value: CN

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:SizeTypeCode

Size type code
A code signifying the size and type of this piece of piece of transport equipment. When the piece of transport equipment is a shipping container, it is recommended to use ContainerSizeTypeCode for validation.

Example value: 10

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:RefrigerationOnIndicator

Indicator refrigeration transport equipment
An indicator that this piece of transport equipments refrigeration is on (true) or off (false).

Example value: true

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Description

Description transport equipment
A textual description of the transport equipment.

Example value: A 20 foot refrigerated container that is not actively controlling temperature of the product.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:PowerIndicator

Power indicator transport equipment
An indicator that this piece of transport equipment can supply power (true) or not (false).

Example value: true

0..n •   •   •   cac:MeasurementDimension

Measurement dimension
Used to specify any measurement of the Transport Handling Unit.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:AttributeID

Attribute identifier
To describe the type of measurement. Use UNCL 6313 subset.

Example value: LN

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Measure

For the measure. Use UN/ECE Recommendation 20 and 21.subset.

Example value: 123

M •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Measure unit of measure

Example value: MTR

0..1 •   •   •   cac:MinimumTemperature

Minimum temperature
Used to specify the minimal temperature for the transport handling unit under the transport.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:AttributeID

Attribute identifier
To describe the type of messure that in this context is the minimal temperature.

Example value: TC

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Measure

The value of the minimal temperature measurement.

Example value: -21

M •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Measure unit of measure

Example value: CEL

0..1 •   •   •   cac:MaximumTemperature

Maximum temperature
Used to specify the maximum temperature for the transport handling unit under the transport.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:AttributeID

Attribute identifier
To describe the type of messure that in this context is the maximal temperature.

Example value: TC

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Measure

The value of the maximum temperature measurement.

Example value: -21

M •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Measure unit of measure

Example value: CEL

0..n •   •   •   cac:GoodsItem

Goods item
A Goods item contained in the package.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Identifiser goods item
An identifier for this goods item. Refering to the Despatch Line

Example value: 10

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:HazardousRiskIndicator

Hazardous risk indicator
An indication that the transported goods item is subject to an international regulation concerning the carriage of dangerous goods (true) or not (false).

Example value: false

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:DeclaredStatisticsValueAmount

Declared statistics value amount
The total declared value for customs purposes of the goods item.

Example value: 23044.78

M •   •   •   •   •   @currencyID

Currency identifier
Currency identifier.

Example value: EUR

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Quantity

The number of units making up this goods item.

Example value: 6

M •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Quantity unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the quantity.

Example value: EA

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:TraceID

Trace identifier
An identifier for use in tracing this goods item, such as the EPC number used in RFID.

Example value: 345699634527

O •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier

Example value: sgtin

0..n •   •   •   cac:Package

Package information
A package contained in the Transport Handling Unit.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Package identifier
The Id of the package for instance a SSCC.

Example value: 3453

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ReturnableMaterialIndicator

Returnable material indicator
An indicator that the packaging material is returnable (true) or not (false).

Example value: true

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:PackagingTypeCode

Packaging type code
A code signifying a level of packaging.

Example value: CT

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:PackingMaterial

Packing material
Text describing the packaging material.

Example value: Carbon box

0..n •   •   •   •   cac:ContainedPackage

Contained package
A package contained in the Transport Handling Unit.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Identifier contained package
The Id of the package for instance a SSCC.

Example value: 3453

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ReturnableMaterialIndicator

Returnable material indicator
An indicator that the packaging material is returnable (true) or not (false).

Example value: true

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:PackagingTypeCode

Packaging type code
A code signifying a level of packaging.

Example value: OB

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:PackingMaterial

Packing material
Text describing the packaging material.

Example value: Wood

0..n •   •   •   •   •   cac:ContainedPackage

Contained package
A package contained in the Transport Handling Unit.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Identifier contained package
The Id of the package for instance a SSCC.

Example value: 3453

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ReturnableMaterialIndicator

Returnable material indicator
An indicator that the packaging material is returnable (true) or not (false).

Example value: true

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:PackagingTypeCode

Packaging type code
A code signifying a level of packaging.

Example value: OB

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:PackingMaterial

Packing material
Text describing the packaging material.

Example value: Wood

0..n •   •   •   •   •   •   cac:GoodsItem

Goods item
A Goods item contained in the package.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Identifiser goods item
An identifier for this goods item. Refering to the Despatch Line

Example value: 10

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:HazardousRiskIndicator

Hazardous risk indicator
An indication that the transported goods item is subject to an international regulation concerning the carriage of dangerous goods (true) or not (false).

Example value: false

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:DeclaredStatisticsValueAmount

Declared statistics value amount
The total declared value for customs purposes of the goods item.

Example value: 23044.78

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @currencyID

Currency identifier
Currency identifier.

Example value: EUR

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Quantity

The number of units making up this goods item.

Example value: 6

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Quantity unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the quantity.

Example value: EA

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:TraceID

Trace identifier
An identifier for use in tracing this goods item, such as the EPC number used in RFID.

Example value: 345699634527

O •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier

Example value: urn:epc:sgid

0..n •   •   •   •   •   •   cac:MeasurementDimension

Measurement dimension
Used to specify any measurement of this Package

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:AttributeID

Attribute identifier
To describe the type of measurement. Use UNCL 6313 subset.

Example value: LN

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Measure

For the measure.

Example value: 123

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Measure unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the measure.

Example value: MTR

0..n •   •   •   •   •   cac:GoodsItem

Goods item
A Goods item contained in the package.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Identifier goods item
An identifier for this goods item. Refering to the Despatch Line

Example value: 10

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:HazardousRiskIndicator

Hazardous risk indicator
An indication that the transported goods item is subject to an international regulation concerning the carriage of dangerous goods (true) or not (false).

Example value: false

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:DeclaredStatisticsValueAmount

Declared statistics value amount
The total declared value for customs purposes of the goods item.

Example value: 23044.78

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @currencyID

Currency identifier
Currency identifier.

Example value: EUR

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Quantity

The number of units making up this goods item.

Example value: 6

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Quantity unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the quantity.

Example value: EA

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:TraceID

Trace identifier
An identifier for use in tracing this goods item, such as the EPC number used in RFID.

Example value: 345699634527

O •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier

Example value: urn:epc:sgid

0..n •   •   •   •   •   cac:MeasurementDimension

Measurement dimension
Used to specify any measurement of this Package

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:AttributeID

Attribute identifier
To describe the type of measurement.

Example value: LN

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Measure

For the measure.

Example value: 123

M •   •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Measure unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the measure.

Example value: KGM

0..n •   •   •   •   cac:GoodsItem

Goods item
A Goods item contained in the package.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Identifiser goods item
An identifier for this goods item. Refering to the Despatch Line

Example value: 10

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:HazardousRiskIndicator

Hazardous risk indicator
An indication that the transported goods item is subject to an international regulation concerning the carriage of dangerous goods (true) or not (false).

Example value: false

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:DeclaredStatisticsValueAmount

Declared statistics value amount
The total declared value for customs purposes of the goods item.

Example value: 23044.78

M •   •   •   •   •   •   @currencyID

Currency identifier
Currency identifier.

Example value: EUR

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Quantity

The number of units making up this goods item.

Example value: 6

M •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Quantity unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the quantity.

Example value: EA

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:TraceID

Trace identifier
An identifier for use in tracing this goods item, such as the EPC number used in RFID.

Example value: 345699634527

O •   •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier

Example value: urn:epc:sgid

0..n •   •   •   •   cac:MeasurementDimension

Measurement dimension
Used to specify any measurement of this Package

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:AttributeID

Attribute identifier
To describe the type of measurement. Use UNCL 6313 subset.

Example value: LN

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Measure

For the measure.

Example value: 123

M •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Measure unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the measure.

Example value: MTR

1..n •   cac:DespatchLine

Despatch advice line

1..1 •   •   cbc:ID

Dispatch line identifier
A indentifier for the individual line in the despatch advice.

Example value: 10

0..1 •   •   cbc:Note

Dispatch line note
General note regarding the despach advice line. Free-form text applying to the Despatch Line. This element may contain notes or any other similar information that is not contained explicitly in another structure.

Example value: Mrs Green agreed to waive charge

1..1 •   •   cbc:DeliveredQuantity

Delivererd quantity
The quantity that is despatched in the line.

Example value: 10

M •   •   •   @unitCode

Ordered quantity unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the ordered quantity.

Example value: C62

0..1 •   •   cbc:OutstandingQuantity

Outstanding quantity
The quantity outstanding (which will follow in a later shipment).

Example value: 2

M •   •   •   @unitCode

Ordered quantity unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the ordered quantity.

Example value: C62

0..n •   •   cbc:OutstandingReason

Outstanding quantity reason
The reason for the outstanding quantity.

Example value: Text

1..1 •   •   cac:OrderLineReference

Order line reference

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:LineID

Order line identifier
To uniquely identify the line of the order that is being despatched.

Example value: 1

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:SalesOrderLineID

Sales order line number
Reference to the sellers orderline number.

Example value: 10

0..1 •   •   •   cac:OrderReference

Order reference

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Order identifier
Identifies the order that the reference order line belongs to.

Example value: AEG012345

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:SalesOrderID

Sales order number
Reference to the sellers order number.

Example value: 5678985

0..n •   •   cac:DocumentReference

Document reference
Used for sending additional references at line level.

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:ID

Document identifier
ID of the referenced document or item.

Example value: Test

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:DocumentTypeCode

Document type code
Identifies the type of document or item.

Example value: 380

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:DocumentType

Document type
The type of reference that cannot be specified by a code

Example value: Letter Of Credit

0..1 •   •   •   cac:Attachment

Group to describe an attached document. An attachment can refer to an external document or be included with the document being exchanged.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject

Embedded binary object
The referenced document can here be inserted as a binary object.

Example value: aHR0cHM6Ly90ZXN0LXZlZmEuZGlmaS5uby9wZXBwb2xiaXMvcG9hY2MvYmlsbGluZy8zLjAvYmlzLw==

M •   •   •   •   •   @mimeCode

Attached document Mime code
The mime code of the attached document.

Example value: application/pdf

M •   •   •   •   •   @filename

Attached document filename
The file name of the attached document.

Example value: Hours-spent.pdf

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:ExternalReference

External reference
A reference to an attached document that is external to the document(s) being exchanged.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:URI

Address to internet resource
The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies the external object as an Internet resource.

Example value:

1..1 •   •   cac:Item

Item information

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:Name

Item name
A short name for an item.

Example value: Beeswax

0..1 •   •   •   cac:BuyersItemIdentification

Buyers item identification

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Buyers item identifier
An identifier, assigned by the buyer, for the item. Associates the item with its identification according to the buyer's system.

Example value: 6578489

0..1 •   •   •   cac:SellersItemIdentification

Sellers item identification

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

The Sellers item identifier
An identifier, assigned by the seller, for the item. Associates the item with its identification according to the seller's system.

Example value: 17589683

0..1 •   •   •   cac:ManufacturersItemIdentification

Manufacturers item identification
Identifying information for this item, assigned by the manufacturer.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Manufacturers item identifier
Manufacturers article number

Example value: 17589683

0..1 •   •   •   cac:StandardItemIdentification

Standard item identification
Only one StandardItemIdentification can be used per line.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Item standard identifier
Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) or other standardized identification.

Example value: 1234567891234

M •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
The identification scheme identifier of the Item standard identifier

Example value: 0160

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ExtendedID

Item standard extended identifier
with specific properties, e.g., Item 123 = Chair / Item 123 Ext 45 = brown chair.

Example value: 22114455

0..n •   •   •   cac:CommodityClassification

Commodity classification
To classify when an item number is not sufficient.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ItemClassificationCode

Item classification code
A code for classifying the item by its type or nature. Classification codes are used to allow grouping of similar items for a various purposes e.g. public procurement (CPV), e-Commerce (UNSPSC) etc.

Example value: KO2012140200

M •   •   •   •   •   @listID

Item classification identifier identification scheme identifier
The identification scheme identifier of the Item classification identifier.

Example value: ZZZ

O •   •   •   •   •   @listVersionID

Item classification identifier version identification scheme identifier
The identification scheme version identifier of the Item classification identifier

Example value: 3.0.2

O •   •   •   •   •   @name

Clear text name equivalent of classification code
The textual equivalent of the code value

Example value: SBMI

0..n •   •   •   cac:HazardousItem

Hazardous item information

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:UNDGCode

Hazardous item UNDG code
The identifier assigned to transportable hazardous goods by the United Nations, expressed as a code.

Example value: ADR

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:HazardClassID

Haszardous hazard class Identifier
Identifies a hazard class applicable to dangerous goods as defined by the relevant regulation authority, such as the IMDG Class Number of the SOLAS Convention ofIMO and the ADR/RID Class Number for the road/rail environment.

Example value: Code

0..n •   •   •   cac:AdditionalItemProperty

Additional item property information
A group of business terms providing information about properties of the goods and services invoiced.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

ID of the property if assigned by an Agency

Example value: 77e416eb-a363-4258-a04e-171d843a6460

M •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Example value: ISO22057

M •   •   •   •   •   @schemeVersionID

Example value: 2022

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Item property name
The name of the property.The name must be sufficiently descriptive to define the value. The definition may be supplemented with the property unit of measure when relevant.

Example value: Rigidity

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:NameCode

Item property code
Code for the item property according to a property code system.

Example value: EPDNumber

M •   •   •   •   •   @listID

Name code list id.
An identifier for the code list used for the Name code, this is bilaterally agreed

Example value: IPNC

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Value

Item property value
The value of the item property.

Example value: NEPD-1717-700-SE

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ValueQuantity

Item property unit of measure
The unit of measure in which the property value is stated, if relevant. May not be relevant when properties are descriptive.

Example value: 15.00

M •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Value quantity unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the value quantity.

Example value: C62

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ValueQualifier

Property classification
Standardized and predefined classification of items properties.

Example value: descr

0..1 •   •   •   cac:ManufacturerParty

Manufacturer party
The manufacturer of this item.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:PartyIdentification

Party identification

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Manufacturer party identifier
Identifies the manufacturer party.

Example value: 5790000435951

O •   •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier

Example value: 0088

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:PartyName

Party name

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Manufacturer party name
The name of the manufacturer party.

Example value: IYT Corporation

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:PostalAddress

Postal address
The address for the manufacturer.

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StreetName

Address line 1
The main address line in a postal address usually the street name and number.

Example value: Busy Street

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:AdditionalStreetName

Address line 2
An additional address line in a postal address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line. Common use are secondary house number in a complex or in a building.

Example value: way 1

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CityName

The common name of the city where the postal address is. The name is written in full rather than as a code.

Example value: Farthing

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:PostalZone

Post code
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.

Example value: AA99 1BB

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:CountrySubentity

Country subdivision
For specifying a region, county, state, province etc. within a country by using text.

Example value: Heremouthshire

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:AddressLine

Address line

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Line

Address line 3
An additional address line in an address that can be used to give further details supplementing the main line.

Example value: The Roundabout

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:Country


1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:IdentificationCode

Country code
A code that identifies the country. The lists of valid countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2 representation.

Example value: GB

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:PartyLegalEntity

Party name

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:RegistrationName

Manufacturer party name
The name of the manufacturing party.

Example value: Consortial

0..n •   •   •   cac:ItemInstance

Item instance information

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ManufactureDate

Item manufactured date
The manufacturing date of all items listed in this dispatch line.

Example value: 2021-01-01

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ManufactureTime

Item manufactured time
The time at which this item instance was manufactured.

Example value: 06:47:30

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:BestBeforeDate

Item best before date
The best before date of all items listed in this dispatch line.

Example value: 2021-12-01

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:SerialID

Item serial numbers
Serial numbers for items listed in the dispatch line.

Example value: 4558784

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:LotIdentification

Lot identifictation

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:LotNumberID

Item batch number
The batch number that applies to all items in the dispatch line.

Example value: 546378239

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ExpiryDate

Item expiry date
The expiry date of all items listed in this dispatch line.

Example value: 2023-01-01

0..n •   •   •   cac:Certificate

Used for referring to the Certificate for Wooden products.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Identity of the certificate
Certificate number.

Example value: 6655223

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:CertificateTypeCode

Certificate type code
Code that specifies the certificate type expressed as a code. Use the value NA if not applicabel.

Example value: NA

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:CertificateType

Certificate type
Identifies the type of certificate.

Example value: FSC

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Remarks

Used to inform about how much is certified, in percent.

Example value: 48% Certified.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:IssuerParty

Issuer party
The authorized organization that issued this certificate, the provider of the certificate.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:PartyName

Party name
The name of the party issuing the certificate.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Party name
The UBL structure used requires this element. Use the value NA if not applicable.

Example value: NA

0..n •   •   •   cac:Dimension

Measurement Dimension
Used to specify any dimension of the Item.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:AttributeID

Attribute identifier
To describe the type of measurement.

Example value: LN

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Measure

For the measure.

Example value: 123

M •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Measure unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the measure.

Example value: MTR