Used to specify how the goods is packed.

cac urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2
Child elements
Card Name Description
1..1 cbc:ID

Identifier transport handling unit
The SSCC identification code of this Transport Handling Unit.

Example value: 11111222222222

1..1 cbc:TransportHandlingUnitTypeCode

Handling unit type code
Type of Transport Handling Unit. Use UN/ECE Recommendation 21 with addition of the codes used by "Retursystem Byggpall".

Example value: AG

0..1 cbc:HandlingCode

Handling Code
The handling for this transporthandling unit expressed as a code

Example value: CCC

0..1 cbc:HandlingInstructions

Handling instructions
The handling for this transporthandling unit expressed as a text

Example value: To be set vertical

0..1 cbc:HazardousRiskIndicator

Handling unit hazardous indicator
An indicator that the materials contained in this transport handling unit are subject to an international regulation concerning the carriage of dangerous goods (true) or not (false).

Example value: false

0..1 cbc:ShippingMarks

Shipping marks
Free-form description of the marks and numbers on this transport handling unit.

Example value: Keep dry

0..n cac:TransportEquipment

Transport equipment
Used to specify Transport Equipment details associated with this Transport Handling Unit.

0..n cac:MeasurementDimension

Measurement dimension
Used to specify any measurement of the Transport Handling Unit.

0..1 cac:MinimumTemperature

Minimum temperature
Used to specify the minimal temperature for the transport handling unit under the transport.

0..1 cac:MaximumTemperature

Maximum temperature
Used to specify the maximum temperature for the transport handling unit under the transport.

0..n cac:GoodsItem

Goods item
A Goods item contained in the package.

0..n cac:Package

Package information
A package contained in the Transport Handling Unit.

Identifier/Error message Flag
Shipment transport handling unit quantity SHALL match the number of the transport handling units specified
Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided.
Element 'cbc:TransportHandlingUnitTypeCode' MUST be provided.
Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model.