Card Name Description
1..1 ubl:WeightStatement  
1..1 •   cbc:CustomizationID

Specification identification
Identifies the specification of content and rules that apply to the transaction.

Example value:

1..1 •   cbc:ProfileID

Business process type identifier
Identifies the BII profile or business process context in which the transaction appears.

Example value:

1..1 •   cbc:ID

Document identifier
Unique identity identifying the weight statement. An transaction instance must contain an identifier. The identifier enables positive referencing the document instance for various purposes including referencing between transactions that are part of the same process.

Example value: GOA294107

1..1 •   cbc:IssueDate

Weight statement issue date
The date when the weight statement is issued. Format = "YYYY-MM-DD"

Example value: 2016-11-03

0..1 •   cbc:IssueTime

Weight statement issue time
The time when the weight statement is issued. Format = "hh:mm:ss"

Example value: 09:30:00

1..1 •   cbc:WeightStatementTypeCode

Weight statement type code
01 = Outbound delivery 02 = Inbound delivery

Example value: 01

1..1 •   cac:SenderParty

Sender Party
The party sending this weight statement (e.g. Weighing Station, Shipper, Freight Forwarder, Carrier, ...).

1..1 •   •   cbc:EndpointID

Senders electronic address
Identifies the senders partys electronic address

Example value: 7300010000001

M •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
Scheme identifier for electronic address

Example value: 0088

1..1 •   •   cac:PartyIdentification

Party Identification
An identifier for this party.

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:ID

Sender party identity
The identifier of the Sender party

Example value: 7300010000001

M •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
Scheme identifier for party identification

Example value: 0088

1..1 •   •   cac:PartyName

Party Name

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:Name

Sender name

Example value: Weighing Solutions AB

1..1 •   cac:ReceiverParty

Receiver information
The party receiving this weight statement (e.g. Carrier, Terminal Operator, ...).

1..1 •   •   cbc:EndpointID

Receiver electronic address
Identifies the receivers partys electronic address

Example value: 1251513513245

M •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
Scheme identifier for electronic address

Example value: 0088

1..1 •   •   cac:PartyIdentification

Party Identification
An identifier for this party.

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:ID

Receiver identity
The identifier of the receiver party

Example value: 1251513513245

M •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
Scheme identifier for party identification

Example value: 0088

1..1 •   •   cac:PartyName

Party Name

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:Name

Receiver name

Example value: Transport Management Solutions AB

1..1 •   cac:WeighingParty

Weighing party information
The party executing the weight measure (e.g. Weighing Station).

0..1 •   •   cac:PartyIdentification

Party Identification
An identifier for this party.

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:ID

Weighing party identity
The identifier of the Weighing party

Example value: 5790000435951

M •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
Scheme identifier for party identification

Example value: 0088

1..1 •   •   cac:PartyName

Party Name

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:Name

Weighing party name
The name of the weighing party

Example value: Gravel Pit Ltd.

1..1 •   •   cac:PhysicalLocation

Physical Location
The physical location of this party.

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:ID

Physical Location ID
Unique ID of the site for the weighing party. If possile an ID that is issued by a authority or similar.

Example value: 0114-40-019-a

O •   •   •   •   @schemeID
0..1 •   •   •   cbc:Name

Location name
Physical location name

Example value: Townsend pit

0..1 •   cac:ShipperParty

Shipper Party
The party transporting or shipping the items.

0..1 •   •   cac:PartyIdentification

Party Identification

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:ID

Shipping party identity
The identifier of the shippping party

Example value: 5790000435951

M •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
Scheme identifier for party identification

Example value: 0088

1..1 •   •   cac:PartyName

Party Name

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:Name

Shipper name
The name of the shipper

Example value: Tony's Trucks and Transport

1..1 •   cac:Shipment

Shipment information

1..1 •   •   cbc:ID

Shipment identity
Use NA if no specific shipment ID is available

Example value: NA

1..n •   •   cac:GoodsItem

Goods Item
A goods item included in this shipment.

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:ID

Line item identifier
Identifies the Line Item assigned by the weighing partner, the identifier must be unique within the order

Example value: 1

0..1 •   •   •   cac:Item

Product information relating to a goods item

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Item name
Name of weighed item

Example value: Sortering 0/2 mm krossat bergmaterial CE-märkt enligt system 2+ för användning till asfalt.

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:BuyersItemIdentification

Buyers item identification

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Buyers item identifier
An identifier, assigned by the buyer, for the item. Associates the item with its identification according to the buyers system.

Example value: KO2001030300

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:SellersItemIdentification

Sellers item identification

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

The Sellers item identifier
An identifier, assigned by the seller, for the item. Associates the item with its identification according to the sellers system.

Example value: 17589683

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:StandardItemIdentification

Standard item identification

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Item standard identifier
Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) or other standardized identification. Associates the item with its identification according to a standard system.

Example value: 1234567891234

M •   •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
The identification scheme identifier of the Item standard identifier

Example value: 0160

0..n •   •   •   •   cac:CommodityClassification

Commodity classification
To classify when an item number is not sufficient.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ItemClassificationCode

Item classification code
A code for classifying the item by its type or nature. Classification codes are used to allow grouping of similar items for a various purposes e.g. public procurement (CPV), e-Commerce (UNSPSC) etc.

Example value: KO2012140200

M •   •   •   •   •   •   @listID

Item classification identifier identification scheme identifier
The identification scheme identifier of the Item classification identifier.

Example value: ZZZ

O •   •   •   •   •   •   @listVersionID

Item classification identifier version identification scheme identifier
The identification scheme version identifier of the Item classification identifier

Example value: 4.0

O •   •   •   •   •   •   @name

Clear text name equivalent of classification code
The textual equivalent of the code value

Example value: SBMI

1..n •   •   •   cac:MeasurementDimension

Measurement Dimension
Used to specify weight and/or volume of the Goods Item.

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:AttributeID

Attribute identifier
To describe the type of measurement. Use UNCL 6313 subset.

Example value: AAF

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Measure

For the measure.

Example value: 12.3

M •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Measure unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the measure.

Example value: TNE