cac urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2
Child elements
Card Name Description
1..1 cbc:ID

Shipment identifier
Identifies a shipment. Freight forwarders reference number.

Example value: 1

0..n cbc:Information

Shipment description
Used by Logistics for Supplier Remark.

Example value: text

0..1 cbc:GrossWeightMeasure

Shipment gross weight
The gross weight of the despatch as a whole. Must be equal the the weight specified for the included transport handling unites if this is specified

Example value: 1030

0..1 cbc:GrossVolumeMeasure

Shipment gross volume
The gross volumen of the despatch as a whole. Must be greather or equal the the volumen specified for the included transport handling unites if this is specified

Example value: 1.456

0..1 cbc:TotalTransportHandlingUnitQuantity

Total number of transport handling units

Example value: 1

0..1 cbc:DeclaredStatisticsValueAmount

Declared statistics value amount
The total declared value for customs purposes of those goods in this shipment that are subject to the same customs procedure and have the same tariff/statistical heading, country information, and duty regime.

Example value: 92179.12

0..1 cac:Consignment

Consignment information

0..1 cac:ShipmentStage

Shipment stage
The shipment stage for the last mile of the delivery

0..1 cac:Delivery

Delivery information

0..n cac:TransportHandlingUnit

Transport handling unit
Used to specify how the goods is packed.

Identifier/Error message Flag
Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided.
Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model.